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Are you a smart and caring single woman who is ready for lasting love?

Attract, Keep And Marry The
Love Of Your Life!

It may be a life-long dream, or an idea you’ve finally embraced after years of being single — whatever your situation — I bet somewhere in the depths of your mind you have a nagging, desperate feeling that marriage is never going to happen for you.

I know exactly how you feel.

I was single into my early 50’s — and an expert on being needy and desperate — but I changed all that. I’ve been married to the love of my life now for 15 years and I can help you do the same.

Take the first step and sign up for my free “Letting Love In” MP3 and free relationship advice newsletter. Remember, only as a subscriber will you get the opportunity to be one of only 5 women each month who get a complimentary “Attract The Love Of Your Life Breakthrough Session.”

I want you to have powerful and practical tools you can use to transform your love life practically overnight and solutions that will change your love life forever — go sign up now!

From the Blog

He’s Perfect…But

When I talk to women who are in long-term relationships or dating they will often say, “He’s perfect, he’s everything I want in a man BUT IF ONLY HE WOULD …”

You can fill in the blanks: Dress better, kiss me more, watch less TV, spend less time with the guys, loose weight, drink less, call more, get a job, stop smoking…and on and on.

If this sounds familiar, you may want to look a little deeper into what is actually going on with you.

If you’re too focused on how you want your man to change, it can become all you think about whenever you are with him. By focusing on the thing you want him to do differently — you may find yourself distracted from other [continue reading…]

When It’s Time To Leave A Troubled Relationship

time to leave

It’s not easy to decide when it’s time to leave, when enough is enough and to walk away. It’s especially hard when you’ve invested a lot of time and deep emotion.

I remember a particularly difficult relationship I was in where I couldn’t stop asking myself if I should leave. I couldn’t decide so I asked my friends and family, and literally any one else I could get to listen to my story.

All the input I received only served to confuse me more and I was unable to take any action at all. I shouldn’t have been surprised when he ended up talking the decision out of my hands and broke up with me.

I was so angry with myself for letting him take control that way! I learned a big lesson which I write about it detail chapter 7 of my book “It’s Never Too Late To Marry.” I call this chapter, “Listen to Yourself First.”

There’s a saying that people come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime. It’s sometimes hard to discern who is worth holding on to and when it’s appropriate to just let go.

They’ll come a time in your troubled relationship when you’ll find yourself asking, “How much more frustration, worry or sadness am I prepared to take in order to keep this relationship going?”

It’s not easy to end a relationship if it’s been big part of your life. And honestly, these relationships are always [continue reading…]

How To Stop Settling For Less To Get More Love

https://www.itsnevertoolatetomarry.com/stop-giving-your-power-away-in-relationships/Being single can be frustrating. It can make us feel lonely and sad as we watch our friends pair up and settle down. It might make us feel hopeless and wonder if it will ever be our turn. But that’s no reason to settle for a relationship that isn’t giving what you want or what you deserve.

Settling for less is an epidemic with women. We will settle for less than we deserve in our careers, in our friendships, and most importantly, in our relationships. It happens so often when we’re dating, and this inevitably results in too much time and energy spent on the wrong man. We end up feeling unsatisfied and far from the way we expected love to feel.

Why do we settle for less? It starts young. As children most of us were instilled with the sense that we’re not good enough; that somehow we’re not worthy of having what we want most: someone to love us. These beliefs create a deep fear in us as adults—fear that we’ll end up loveless and doomed to die alone. Fear makes us lower our standards and accept whatever a man is willing to give, even if it’s much less than we deserve.

How do we know that we’re settling for less? It’s simple. If the love we’re experiencing doesn’t feel good, we’re not getting what we should. Too often we get accustomed to our relationships not feeling right. We become immune to the drama, the pain. We don’t recognize that we don’t feel safe or respected. We don’t know what we’re missing because we’ve never had it. So feeling bad in love ends up feeling normal.

There’s a song by The Everly Brothers called “Love Hurts”, which strikes a chord for many. We believe that pain is the price we pay for loving someone. It seems [continue reading…]

4 Steps To Create Healthy Boundaries When Dating

4 steps to create healthy boundaries when datingHealthy boundaries in your relationships don’t just happen, they require discipline and will power. I know this sounds about as appealing as going on a diet, but without healthy boundaries you will end up a victim of a man’s bad behavior.

Why do you need to make the effort to stick to your personal boundaries? They give you self-respect. They’re how you take care of and protect your mind, body and spirit. They give you a say in how you want your relationship to unfold; how much to give of yourself and when.

Setting healthy boundaries is the most important skill you need to have successful relationships. However, for many women, this can be very challenging. If you are someone who finds it hard to say “no,” boundaries will be particularly difficult to stick to.

How To Set Healthy Boundaries When Dating:

  1. Look back on your past relationships. Identify the things you know you should have done differently. List the mistakes you made that worked against you. I bet the majority, if not all, involved you letting down your boundaries in some way. Take your time with this process, if you’re thorough you’ll most likely find a pattern of behavior.
  2. Create a new healthy boundaries list. Use what you’ve learned from your past mistakes to make the changes you need now. See if there are any new boundaries that you would like to add, including social media and internet dating.
  3. Determine to make your well-being a priority.  This may sound selfish or self-centered to you — it is! You can’t rely [continue reading…]