Healthy boundaries in your relationships don’t just happen, they require discipline and will power. I know this sounds about as appealing as going on a diet, but without healthy boundaries you will end up a victim of a man’s bad behavior. Why do you need to make the effort to stick to your personal boundaries? They give [...]
Dating Advice
If your first date with a man is only mildly interesting and leaves you feeling rather blah, you may be tempted to write him off and move on. Beware: this might be a dating mistake that could affect the rest of your life. First dates are deceiving. You may decide within the first 10 minutes [...]
When you start dating someone new, of course you want to make the best impression possible. More than anything, you want this amazing man to like you and think you’re, likewise, a wonderful person. When you’re swept up and excited about a new romance, you may unknowingly change who you are to impress him. You [...]
There’s a time in most relationships when a man suddenly goes from hot to cold. He’ll seem to be more distant as if he’s starting to pull away. This change can throw us into a panic, making us feel insecure just when things were beginning to feel so good. It’s common to interpret this change [...]