I can’t begin to tell you how much money I’ve spent on beauty products over my lifetime. I started at 13 years old when I was finally allowed to wear make-up for the first time. I felt so grown-up and I became an avid consumer of what I saw in magazines and on TV. From [...]
Dating Advice
Here is a question I received from Robin. Her problem is not unique and hopfully you can benefit from my answer. “I have been dating a man for four months. We have been an exclusive couple for the past 2 months. However, 2 weekends ago, he told me he was getting messages from one of [...]
Your relationship with your future husband will most likely start with a date. If you take the act of dating too lightly or don’t learn how to do it well, you are making it harder for you to meet “Mr. Right.” It’s a fact that to get good at something you have to practice. You [...]
I want to thank my good friend Rori Raye for all her support and referring to me on her blog. She is a wonderful coach and a wealth of wisdom for women who are struggling in their relationships. Here is a link to one of her articles that I particularly enjoyed about speaking the truth.