I feel compelled to write this warning to all you wonderful women who have been reading my blog for the last 3 years. I want to tell you about my newest client and give you a heads-up if you’re Internet dating. Marcie is 52 years old and a highly accomplished woman. She’s recently divorced from [...]
Dating Advice
I consider myself lucky; I met my husband through a matchmaking service just before internet dating came on the scene. At the time, that was the only alternative to finding a man to date the old fashioned way. I had to write a personal profile much like today and then a third party, the matchmaker, [...]
Most of us have made the mistake of trying to define a relationship too soon. We find ourselves dating a man who finally ticks most of our boxes and we start to get excited. Life feels good and we’re floating down the street singing to ourselves. In the headiness of a new relationship insecurity and [...]
You can misread a man’s intentions and character when you date for a short time. Even the most savvy women can fall for what I call a “runaway man” and not realize it until it’s too late. As much as you would like to believe in love at first sight and believe that the great [...]