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Dating Advice

Relationship Advice: Timing is Everything

When you’re looking for love it’s a struggle not to get impatient and to put your trust in Divine Timing. The longer it takes, the more desperate you feel and the harder you have to work at keeping the faith that it’s going to happen. There’s a contradiction you have to work through: that as [...]


Texting Advice: How Can I Get Him to Call Me?

Many women are confused by texting. They ask for texting advice: What does he mean when he just checks in? If he doesn’t ask me a question, do I answer him? How long do I wait before I respond? Texting is emotional shorthand; he’s choosing to convey his thoughts and feelings in as few words [...]


Why Do I Always Date Bad Boys?

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wuoIq1Lrd0&feature=feedu This is the most common problem women present to me when they come for help — why do I always get involved with bad boys? Their stories are different but they all contain the same elements of disappointment and pain. If you don’t what’s driving you into getting involved with bad boys you won’t be able to [...]


Are You Facebook Stalking Your Boyfriend?

httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LF7PzU2hz0&feature=related Are you addicted to checking up on your boyfriend’s social media updates? If you are facebook stalking him or constantly checking his twitter or email account, here’s a reality check. facebook stalking is addictive: it’s hard to do it just once! Your snooping might have started out innocently enough, by you just taking a little [...]