My Dear Readers, It has been longer time than usual between posts and I’m re-posing one of my most popular ones from 2010. The reason is that for the last 3 weeks I’ve been with my 97 yr. old mom who was in her final days on earth. She passed on May 22nd. Her hospice nurse, [...]
Finding Mr. Right
Have you been a good girl this year? You may think so. You may believe you deserve Santa’s favor because you’ve been nice. But if you’ve been dating men that treat you badly or you’re presently in a relationship with one, you’ve been naughty. If you’re not attracted to or dating nice guys, it means [...]
I saw a comment written in response to an article on how hard it is to find a good man. More than the article, the comment itself caught my attention. Stevio had written: “Finding the right woman today for a straight man like me is very hard, especially that many women now have such an [...]
No matter where you are on your journey to romance there is always a reason to get more love in your life. The magical thing about love is that it’s free; you can’t buy it, trade it or win it in a lottery. Love is an action you extend to others that benefits you more [...]