When you talk about your life, especially when you meet a new man, do you do you portray yourself as a victim? You might be quick to say no, but knowing how you come across to others is difficult. You can be so used to thinking a certain way that you are no longer aware [...]
Relationship Problems
Don’t be so hard on yourself if you find that you’ve “fallen in love” with the wrong man again. Dating is when you discover what it is you want and don’t want in a man. As a woman it’s easy to lose your objectivity and bond too quickly with a man after only a short [...]
What makes us so judgmental? Don’t you wish you could turn off that judgement switch in your head and give it a rest? When I was younger I was oblivious to my judgmental nature and was very concerned about how things looked — especially the men I dated. I was not very kind in those days and [...]
I bet you’ve thought many times about the ideal traits you would like to have in the man you marry. You may have a vivid picture of what he looks like or what you would like him to do for a living. If you don’t have a picture, you may have just have a feeling [...]