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The Secret To Falling In Love With You

Remember the heady feeling that takes over you when you fall for a new man? The thrill of knowing that someone you’re interested in actually wants and desires you? Suddenly, all sense of not being good enough vanishes and you feel whole again. You feel a sense of confidence in yourself that you think will [...]


Why Getting Older Is Better Than You Think

It’s impossible not to be aware of women trying to look younger than their years. We go to the movies and our favorite stars look strangely unfamiliar. Actresses we’ve enjoyed watching over time suddenly lose their unique look that made us fall in love with them. We see a face that hasn’t changed in 30 [...]


Don’t Let Fear Ruin Your Love Life

We all have fears, some are obvious and easy to identify, but others can hide just below the surface of our awareness. Nothing will bring out our hidden fears faster than when we are in a relationship. When given the possibility of falling in love they can take over, and many times we don’t recognize [...]


3 Lies You Tell Yourself That Keep You Single

I don’t want you to feel like a crazy person but have you noticed how you’re always talking to yourself? Even now, while you read these words your mind is chatting to you as you read. If you’re thinking of yourself listening to yourself, it can be a little crazy making. Our self-talk is active [...]