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Are you a smart and caring single woman who is ready for lasting love?

Attract, Keep And Marry The
Love Of Your Life!

It may be a life-long dream, or an idea you’ve finally embraced after years of being single — whatever your situation — I bet somewhere in the depths of your mind you have a nagging, desperate feeling that marriage is never going to happen for you.

I know exactly how you feel.

I was single into my early 50’s — and an expert on being needy and desperate — but I changed all that. I’ve been married to the love of my life now for 15 years and I can help you do the same.

Take the first step and sign up for my free “Letting Love In” MP3 and free relationship advice newsletter. Remember, only as a subscriber will you get the opportunity to be one of only 5 women each month who get a complimentary “Attract The Love Of Your Life Breakthrough Session.”

I want you to have powerful and practical tools you can use to transform your love life practically overnight and solutions that will change your love life forever — go sign up now!

From the Blog

Why Getting Older Is Better Than You Think

getting olderIt’s impossible not to be aware of women trying to look younger than their years. We go to the movies and our favorite stars look strangely unfamiliar. Actresses we’ve enjoyed watching over time suddenly lose their unique look that made us fall in love with them. We see a face that hasn’t changed in 30 years and can’t help but be distracted looking for any telltale sign of aging that we know should be there.

Today as I write this I’m 66 yrs old. Am I thrilled to be this old? Yes and No. When I think about some of my friends and family members who are no longer here living their lives, I’m filled with gratitude for my many years. When I reflect on all I’ve learned from the wide variety of people and experiences that have filled my life up till now, yes, I appreciate my 66 years.

But like you, I am susceptible to the steady stream of images, jokes and stories about the horrors of being a woman whose getting older.

Plastic surgery and other age-defying methods have become the norm in the images of women we see around us everywhere. On magazine covers, even 20-something models are airbrushed to greater perfection. Volume is added to hair, breasts and lips, and erased from waists, hips and thighs.
Nothing we see in the media is an accurate depiction of the changes a real woman goes through as she ages. So how can we not be upset about [continue reading…]

If He’s Pulling Away Do This

pulling awayThere’s nothing worse than feeling a man’s interest start to slip. The last thing you want to face is that his feelings for you may be waning. All too often, at the first sign he’s withdrawing, we lose our sanity and we panic.

When we’re in this fearful place we become insecure. We assume his pulling away is because of us so we blame and beat ourselves up. As a defense against the pain, we make excuses for him, “he’s too busy at work” or “he has too much going on right now.”

Instead of investigating the changes that may be happening in the relationship, we go into desperation mode. We cling to how great the relationship used to be rather than acknowledging what’s going on in the present. We put our focus on strategies to get him back and engaged. We ignore the fact that his behavior is telling us important information, the fact that something’s wrong.

All these reactions are ways we try to avoid heartbreak. But they don’t work. There’s a much better way to handle the reality of your partner pulling away that just might save your relationship. It requires you to challenge your fears and be willing to face the truth of what’s going on.

It requires that you have a face-to-face (not texting) conversation with your man so you can bring up what you’re feeling before it’s too late. If you don’t [continue reading…]

Don’t Let Fear Ruin Your Love Life

Don't Let Fear Ruin Your Love LifeWe all have fears, some are obvious and easy to identify, but others can hide just below the surface of our awareness. Nothing will bring out our hidden fears faster than when we are in a relationship. When given the possibility of falling in love they can take over, and many times we don’t recognize what’s going on.

When fears play out in our relationships they will stop us from connecting with a man and keep love at a distance. If we’re having a hard time sustaining relationships or keep getting involved with the wrong men, it’s most likely our fears that are taking over. The stronger the fear the greater the influence they have on our ability to have a healthy love life.

Some of the most common hidden fears are:

  • Fear of not being enough for a man.
  • Fear of being wrong.
  • Fear of being unlovable.

These fears show up because real love requires that we be vulnerable and that can make us very uncomfortable. Vulnerability implies intimacy and that can be just plain scary. So our fears will try to take control the situation by putting us on the defensive and we don’t even know it’s happening.

A defense is something we use to protect ourselves. In the dictionary a defense is referred to as “guarding, fortification; resistance, deterrent.” A defensive response is referred to as “self-justifying, oversensitive, prickly, paranoid, uptight.”

Our defenses have protected us since birth and some are necessary for our survival. But as we get older many are no longer needed for our safety. However, they can feel so familiar we continue to let them dictate how we respond even when they have no purpose. Our fears become so practiced they feel like a natural part of our personality.

Here’s an example of how [continue reading…]

What You Can Learn From A First Kiss

First KissToday I thought it would be fun to share a section from my book, “It’s Never Too Late To Marry: How to Have the Man and The Marriage of Your Dreams.” Let it lead you to explore your first interactions with men, there may be a gold mine of information waiting for you to discover! 

My First Kiss

Not all of your behaviors can be traced back to personal experience. You may find that as a child you learned how to interact with men through observation. As children we are very suggestible to the world around us and we pick up things that appeal to us without knowing why.

I uncovered this memory of my first real kiss when I was taking an inventory of my relationship history (discussed more in Chapter Two). I was surprised to see how early I began to sabotage my relationships with men.

My first big crush was on a red headed boy in my fourth grade class. He teased me incessantly and I responded by saying mean things to him, trying not to show him how much I really liked him. It was the first time I was aware that a boy could so strongly affect my behavior. My attention was drawn to him whenever he was around. I had never been kissed, and more than anything, I wanted him to kiss me, just like I had seen in the movies.

One recess he asked me to follow him down to the school basement. It was very exciting to sneak away from everyone to a forbidden area. When we got there, he asked me if he could kiss me. I couldn’t believe he actually asked me first, I could hardly contain myself. Looking back I see he was a gentleman in the making.

I was eager and flustered and managed to nod my head “yes.” I closed my eyes and tilted my head sideways [continue reading…]