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Are you a smart and caring single woman who is ready for lasting love?

Attract, Keep And Marry The
Love Of Your Life!

It may be a life-long dream, or an idea you’ve finally embraced after years of being single — whatever your situation — I bet somewhere in the depths of your mind you have a nagging, desperate feeling that marriage is never going to happen for you.

I know exactly how you feel.

I was single into my early 50’s — and an expert on being needy and desperate — but I changed all that. I’ve been married to the love of my life now for 15 years and I can help you do the same.

Take the first step and sign up for my free “Letting Love In” MP3 and free relationship advice newsletter. Remember, only as a subscriber will you get the opportunity to be one of only 5 women each month who get a complimentary “Attract The Love Of Your Life Breakthrough Session.”

I want you to have powerful and practical tools you can use to transform your love life practically overnight and solutions that will change your love life forever — go sign up now!

From the Blog

How A New Relationship Can Lose It’s Sizzle

new relationshipWhen you start a new relationship, it’s a heady feeling. This is especially true if you’ve been single a long time while looking for love. The excitement of a new relationship can put stars in your eyes. But it can also give you a false sense of security, as you find yourself thinking, “he likes me, he really likes me!”

As you feel more confident and comfortable around a man, you can unknowingly become more like his buddy than his girlfriend. It’s a common mistake you might be making that will stop love in its tracks, before its even had time to grow.

The trap is that once you’re in a new relationship and you know a man really likes you, you may start to take his feelings for granted.

How do you know if this is happening? You’ll find that you begin to over-do and over-think things — all in the name of trying to make the relationship better.

Now that you “have” him, you start to push for things to be the way you want them and for what you believe should happen. In other words, you have an agenda for what you think the relationship should be. You find yourself [continue reading…]

How To Use Your Non-Negotiables To Find True Love

Find True LoveUntil you’ve cultivated the non-negotiable qualities you’re looking for in a man in yourself you won’t recognize a man who has them. You won’t find true love, infact he’ll walk right by you and you won’t even see him.

This may be hard to accept but I know through my own experience and those of my clients that this is true. The “problems” we’re unaware of in ourselves (we all have them) are the same “problems” we’ll be blind to in the men we meet.

I’ve run into a lot of resistance from women regarding their blind spots. Let’s face it; it’s hard to believe you have something that you can’t see. It’s the same when we’re dealing with our subconscious beliefs, it can be very tricky. That’s why they’re called “blind” or “subconscious,” it’s all about discovering what we don’t know is there. This is always a challenge, but once you do the work, it’s always completely enlightening and life changing.

One way you can uncover your blind spots is to make a list of the 50 qualities you want in a husband or life partner. From there, you identify which qualities are “non-negotiable.” or the qualities you absolutely must have in a man. This exercise will help you get your deal-breakers on paper to refer to and to use in your search for Mr. Right.

This list isn’t a new idea — but it’s one that works. A counselor asked me to make a similar list 20 years ago when I was single and looking for love. There’s a reason she asked me to do this, but it wasn’t why I thought. As it turned out [continue reading…]

When A Breakthrough Session Leads To A Breakup!

breakupHonestly, sometimes when a woman opens up to me, I can’t help but be blunt with her. It’s just the way things sometimes happen.

I’ve learned to trust my intuition when I work because I’m clear about why I do what I do. I’m devoted to helping women, like you, transform your love life. I want every woman I work with to feel like a queen so she can have her king.

As you can see from this letter I received, sometimes it only takes the right words to open someone’s eyes and send them on the way to love. I should probably be upset with myself for using such “unprofessional” words, but occasionally it’s just what is needed.

Hi Virginia,

I just wanted to tell you I had a breakthrough call with you a few months ago. I had just left a man for another and it was painfully obvious it wasn’t working out and he was treating me poorly. I was very much in love with him, but frustrated.

I told you I felt I was done with it but I was confused and felt pretty miserable about yet another failed love relationship. I was heart broken. You’re exact words to me were, ‘he’s an asshole’ — and I really heard you, lol!

It changed something in me. I’ve been doing a lot of work on myself since then and, wouldn’t you know, a friend introduced me to a wonderful, respectful, nice, amazing man. She had been trying to connect us for two years but I was always in another relationship. We are happily dating and very much in love. He is different from the other men I’ve dated and that’s a really good thing. We have a mutual love and respect for each other and I am so happy.

I believe you had a part in opening my eyes so I could allow something better to come into my life and I just wanted to thank you.

Much love to you,

Make Valentine’s Day A Good Day

Valentine's dayValentine’s Day is just around the corner. If you’re single you may anticipating the day with a sense of dread, fear or sadness. I’ve been there and I didn’t like it. It’s a shame that everywhere you look are reminders of romance and the love you think you’re missing. But there’s a way to seize the day and make it yours!

Here are 5 tips to make Valentine’s Day a good day this year:


  1. Have a girls night: invite your single friends for a pajama party, watch movies (I suggest “The Heat” with Sandra Bullock), do face masks, eat fun food and enjoy each other’s company.
  2. Move Your Body: Movement gets your endorphins going which will raise your mood. Movement also gets you out of your head, which is full of those pesky negative thoughts, and into your body. Physical activity is also a great tension reliever. Dance, do yoga, find a new place to walk the dog, lift weights, rearrange the furniture, clean.
  3. Create Something: This is a great way to distract your mind and in the end have something to show for it. Cook a new recipe, make a vision board or paint a picture. When you’re absorbed in the creative process hours pass by without you noticing.
  4. Give back: Make a plan to volunteer somewhere that needs your help. Visit a nursing home and give out flowers. Go to a hospital and read to a child. Find a shelter and walk a dog. That way you can move your body and give back.
  5. If none of these feels right — Ignore it: Make it your day! Make it special by doing only what you want. Get up when you want, go where you want, eat what you want, go to bed when you want. Savor it! Bury yourself in a book, rent videos and have fun at home. Take a bath, have food delivered and take a break from the outside world. Unplug and enjoy the quiet. Take control of the day and make it yours.

Valentine’s Day, like every other day, is only 24 hours long. That’s not a long time to get through when you think about it. So this year, make your plans ahead of time and you’ll be making Valentine’s Day a good day.

To see my TV interview, “Surviving Valentines Day When You’re Single,” you can watch the interview here.