Are you a smart and caring single woman who is ready for lasting love?
Attract, Keep And Marry The
Love Of Your Life!
It may be a life-long dream, or an idea you’ve finally embraced after years of being single — whatever your situation — I bet somewhere in the depths of your mind you have a nagging, desperate feeling that marriage is never going to happen for you.
I know exactly how you feel.
I was single into my early 50’s — and an expert on being needy and desperate — but I changed all that. I’ve been married to the love of my life now for 15 years and I can help you do the same.
Take the first step and sign up for my free “Letting Love In” MP3 and free relationship advice newsletter. Remember, only as a subscriber will you get the opportunity to be one of only 5 women each month who get a complimentary “Attract The Love Of Your Life Breakthrough Session.”
I want you to have powerful and practical tools you can use to transform your love life practically overnight and solutions that will change your love life forever — go sign up now!
by Virginia Clark
on January 17, 2014
When it comes to picking a lifetime partner and finding Mr. Right, we want a good man . Here are some of the qualities most of us are looking for:
- We want a man with a sense of humor; who can make us laugh.
- We want a man who treats us like a woman, who’s thoughtful and has manners.
- We want a man who’s smart and able to engage us in conversation.
- We want a man who’s responsible financially.
All of these qualities are important when it comes to looking for a man to share our heart and soul.
Other qualities we be look for are:
- We want a man who’s honest and sincere.
- We want a man with integrity, who will do what he says.
- We want a man who can roll with hard times as well as good.
- We want a man who shows up when we need him.
Can you see what’s different between the first and second list of qualities? There’s a reason I put them on separate lists. Which list do you think is more important when you consider meeting your ideal partner?
The answer is simple. The first group of qualities are [continue reading…]
by Virginia Clark
on January 7, 2014
My Happiness Jar
One of my favorite writers is Elizabeth Gilbert. She wrote “Eat, Pray, Love,” and has just released a wonderful new woman-centrist book titled, “The Signature Of All Things.”
But I don’t want to talk about her books right now; I’d rather share with you a practice she’s initiated in her life that I have now begun as well.
I want to share it with you because now that we’re starting a brand new year, rather then focusing on resolutions, I think it will be good for us to focus on happiness and possibility.
She’s created what she calls a HAPPINESS JAR. All you do is write down the happiest moment of the day on a small piece of paper and put it in your jar. That’s the whole process.
The purpose is to recognize the good that happens in our lives every day; things that you might otherwise overlook. No mater how we’re struggling, they’re always some moments of good. For example, looking out the window and seeing a bird at your feeder is a good moment.
Your happiness jar can also be used for those times when you’re feeling particularly down and hopeless. You can reach into your jar and pull up a random paper. On it will be a memory that you’ve most likely forgotten, but will remind you of a time that you felt good.
Here’s how she describes [continue reading…]
by Virginia Clark
on December 16, 2013
Most romantic relationships start out strong. There’s usually instant physical attraction and the heady feeling that you actually may be falling in love. As things progress, you get more confidence in the relationship, in your ability to love and be loved. Soon you have no doubt that you have found your perfect partner.
But most of the relationships you’ll go through will suffer a break up until you actually meet Mr. Right. These relationships are not meant to last and will begin to fall apart anywhere from a few months to a few years. If the man is the one who makes the decision to walk away, it can leave you devastated and confused. After a break up like this, you will be desperate for answers.
You’ll think of love you shared and assume it should still be there. Even if there were signs before the break up that things were changing for the worse, you will find yourself clinging to the memory of the past and how good it was.
Why do we persist in continuing a sense of disbelief and longing for a relationship and a man who is no longer there?
Well, brain specialists have recognized this can be a biological occurrence in our brains. You can become [continue reading…]
by Virginia Clark
on November 22, 2013
Many of us have experienced the heartbreak of falling in love with a bad boy, a narcissist or a guy who’s simply, “a player.” We can talk for hours about what’s wrong with men and how badly we’ve been treated.
Even if we’re with a good guy, and he breaks up with us, we’ll tend to find a way to blame him for breaking our heart. We focus on what’s wrong with men, because it’s easier to blame someone else for our pain.
It’s hard for us to take responsibility and admit that we’re 50% the problem, that we just didn’t know how to be a good girlfriend. Most of us have a blind spot about our own behavior in relationships. We become much too focused on how we’re being treated badly rather than how we’re treating our men.
It’s not all our fault. We should be taught how to be a good girlfriend when we’re young, before we’re even get interested in boys. We all know that once ourhormones kick in during puberty, we start being driven by our emotions in love and all bets are off.
Today we have [continue reading…]