Are you a smart and caring single woman who is ready for lasting love?
Attract, Keep And Marry The
Love Of Your Life!
It may be a life-long dream, or an idea you’ve finally embraced after years of being single — whatever your situation — I bet somewhere in the depths of your mind you have a nagging, desperate feeling that marriage is never going to happen for you.
I know exactly how you feel.
I was single into my early 50’s — and an expert on being needy and desperate — but I changed all that. I’ve been married to the love of my life now for 15 years and I can help you do the same.
Take the first step and sign up for my free “Letting Love In” MP3 and free relationship advice newsletter. Remember, only as a subscriber will you get the opportunity to be one of only 5 women each month who get a complimentary “Attract The Love Of Your Life Breakthrough Session.”
I want you to have powerful and practical tools you can use to transform your love life practically overnight and solutions that will change your love life forever — go sign up now!
by Virginia Clark
on November 4, 2013
We know it’s not easy to find a man you really click with. If you are Internet dating or just going to singles events, it can take a lot of false starts and disappointing dates before you find a man who really captures your interest.
The fact that you go through so many unsatisfying dating experiences before you meet a man who “rings your bell,” puts you at a definite disadvantage. It’s like trudging through a hot desert and finally seeing an oasis up ahead. Your natural reaction is to run towards water and drink your fill, but this can be a problem — you don’t yet know if the water is real or just a mirage.
Here are 3 big mistakes that could ruin a new relationship before it gets off the ground:
- You try to make something happen: Because of the excitement at this new chance at love, you have a hard time letting things develop in their own time. Your need for assurance makes you start to manipulate and push to make things happen. Examples: making up rules in your head for how much and when he should text you or call; planning your life around his schedule rather than your own or starting to plan where you go and what you do on your dates.
- You put him on a pedestal: This is a big one. You go out with a man on 3 or 4 dates and feel as if you know everything about him. You get swept off your feet and decide [continue reading…]
by Virginia Clark
on October 25, 2013
Do you have a plan for Halloween? Have you decided to hide out at home, hoping no little monsters ring your bell so you can have all that candy just for you? Will you be waiting for the night to finally be over because you’re just not in the Halloween spirit?
I invite you to make a new plan for Halloween. This holiday is not just for kids and their parents anymore! Read what Bruce Horovitz of USA Today says:
“This adultification of Halloween is taking place in virtually every city in America. At bars. At restaurants. At movie theaters… adults have slowly been stealing Halloween from kids for years. Now it appears, grown-ups own the holiday.”
Halloween is a great opportunity for you to indulge yourself. It’s a time to play dress up and enjoy stretching yourself out of your comfort zone.I invite you to use this holiday as an excuse to walk on the wild side; get in touch with your secret self. This hidden part of you will create a sense of mystery that will draw men to you — and they won’t even know why.
We think we know who we are and these limiting ideas dictate how we show up in our relationships. But they’re “shadow” parts to your personality that we don’t express. If you don’t get familiar with those parts, you won’t be bringing your whole self into your relationships and you’ll attract a man with the same limitation.
For example, if you’re a woman who’s quiet, introverted and who hates parties; your shadow self is going to be [continue reading…]
by Virginia Clark
on September 25, 2013
Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
There are times when we all need a change of scene. Even when you’re in a relationship, it’s essential to leave your comfort zone together and have some new experiences out in the world.
When you’re faced with the unknown, a new place, a new culture or a change in your usual routine, it’s an opportunity to find out more about who you are,singly or as a couple. Many of us set up our lives subconsciously so that we feel in control. We shop at the same stores, drive or walk the same routes and do the same weekly activities.
Breaking out of our patterns is a way we can get to know ourselves on a deeper level. And having an adventure that isn’t predictable prepares us for the unpredictability of love. When we are challenged to show up in new ways, we can learn to trust ourselves and our ability to let in new things and handle them.
We all need to “take a break” from the ordinary so we can make room for the extraordinary. It is an essential part of self-care that will give you new ideas, a deeper understanding of yourself and a wider perspective of your life experience.
I’ll be doing that for the next two weeks by traveling to the beautiful Central American country of Guatemala. I’ve never been there and I don’t speak the language. And, yes, I do [continue reading…]
by Virginia Clark
on September 17, 2013
When looking for love, there’s no better training ground than having a best friend; it’s in a relationship with a best friend that we can learn about love and get the skills we need to be someone’s partner for life.
Women have argued with me that because they presently don’t have a boyfriend, they can’t work on their relationship skills. They feel they have to have a man in their life to practice on.
While having a man to work out our “stuff” with is helpful, it’s really best if we take care of it out BEFORE we get involved in a romance. But many of us believe that a relationship with a boyfriend is different than our other relationships and therefore we can’t do that. That’s not entirely true.
Let’s look at some common areas where we may need help before we meet The One. Many of us deal with the fear of abandonment, the inability to speak up for ourselves, or the tendency to give too much of ourselves in a relationship. If we “work” on these issues with our boyfriend or a man we’ve just started dating, they can be a barrier to love. And this will be multiplied if the man has many of his own problems to work out as well.
When we don’t do the work before we meet the guy, our relationships will have [continue reading…]