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Are you a smart and caring single woman who is ready for lasting love?

Attract, Keep And Marry The
Love Of Your Life!

It may be a life-long dream, or an idea you’ve finally embraced after years of being single — whatever your situation — I bet somewhere in the depths of your mind you have a nagging, desperate feeling that marriage is never going to happen for you.

I know exactly how you feel.

I was single into my early 50’s — and an expert on being needy and desperate — but I changed all that. I’ve been married to the love of my life now for 15 years and I can help you do the same.

Take the first step and sign up for my free “Letting Love In” MP3 and free relationship advice newsletter. Remember, only as a subscriber will you get the opportunity to be one of only 5 women each month who get a complimentary “Attract The Love Of Your Life Breakthrough Session.”

I want you to have powerful and practical tools you can use to transform your love life practically overnight and solutions that will change your love life forever — go sign up now!

From the Blog

Is It Time For You To Stop Looking For Love?

looking for love, searching for loveSometimes the best way to find love is to stop looking for love all together.

Searching for that special someone can deplete your time and energy. You probably spend countless hours going through self-help books, watching DVDs and reading blogs online, trying to absorb what the experts are telling you. All the advice and varying opinions about what you should or shouldn’t do — it can make your head spin!

Besides all that, you may be working really hard doing your “relationship” homework: practicing meditation techniques, writing affirmations and creating a vision board. These are all helpful, but at some point they can begin to feel like drudgery and looking for love can feel overwhelming.

I’ve been there, I know. When I was single and looking for love I was thinking about it 24/7. I was consumed by my worry that it would never happen. You might even say I was obsessing about in it. It robbed my of my enjoyment in the present and I went through my days as though I had blinders on.

If you know what I’m talking about then I suggest you [continue reading…]

How Being a “Yes Woman” Will Kill Your Relationships

yes woman thinkingDo you find it hard to say “no” to a man? If you do then you are a “yes woman.” You may not realize that you are because it can really sneak up on you. One little falsehood can lead to the next and before you know it telling half-truths becomes an unconscious habit.

If you don’t know whether you’re a “yes woman” ask yourself:

  1. Do you hide what’s bothering you because you’re afraid to upset him?
  2. Do you hope he will know what you’re thinking so you don’t have to tell him?
  3. Do you have opinions that you are afraid to express because he might not share them?

If you answered yes to any of these you have a problem you may not have considered. You are getting by with a lie of omission.

By not speaking up you’re actually lying to a man and giving him the wrong impression of who you are.

You may not think it’s lying to be withholding information about yourself, but it is. It’s a way you’re leading him on — wanting to please him and to not rock the boat.

For example, you may have let him think he’s with a woman who [continue reading…]

The 3 Key Ingredients For Happy Relationships

happy relationshipsWhat are the most important ingredients to create healthy and happy relationships? They are the same ingredients that will allow you benefit in all areas of your life. The great benefit is that when you make the effort to cultivate these 3 qualities you will attract a man who will reflect them back to you.

Without these qualities your relationships will be short lived and full of drama. If these were easy to put into action there would be a lot less single people and a lot less divorce. It does take effort, but that’s not a bad thing. When you get the benefit of a truly wonderful relationship it’s especially sweet because you’re getting the fruits of your labors.

Here are the 3 ingredients you need for happy relationships:

  1. Take responsibility for your thoughts and your actions. You are the person in charge of your life; no one else can live your life for you. You can’t control what other people do but you can control how you react to them. You can no longer use the excuse that someone else’s bad behavior excuses your own. If you find yourself stuck in negative thinking, which leads to negative action, only you can stop it in yourself. Be willing to take responsibility for your part in a relationship; don’t get stuck in the blame game with your partner.
  2. Be honest about who you are. Have the courage to be authentic with your mate. If you pretend you’re someone you’re not to get a man to like you, eventually you’re going to be found out. Authenticity is the only thing [continue reading…]

Using Your Feminine Allure To Attract A Man

feminine allure

Me front and center as "The Cat"

Are you more dog-like or a cat-like in your relationships?

People who like pets usually enjoy referring to themselves as either dog people or cat people, but your preference doesn’t really matter…except when it comes to your feminine allure which you can learn from a real expert, a cat.

I used to be more dog-like in my relationships with men than cat-like. I made so many dog-like mistakes and I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. However, I eventually learned that to be happy in a relationship, I needed to put my inner dog aside and learn to focus on my inner cat.

So how do you know if you’re being too dog-like in your relationships? Here are the qualities of the inner dog:

· Dogs are always eager to please.

· Dogs demand very little other than food and attention.

· Dogs are fiercely loyal even to their owners who abuse them.

· Dogs will follow you wherever you go, watching for your reactions and approval.

· Dogs will beg for love.

These are all wonderful qualities in a pet, but these are not the qualities you want to embrace as a woman in a love relationship.

But that was me, always trying so hard to please. I was single and I was feeling desperate and needy. I eventually realized that being dog-like was not working for me.

As luck would have it, I was cast as “the cat” in a stage play of “Animal Farm” by George Orwell. The cat was the only animal in the play with no lines. All I did on stage was saunter up to anyone who would pet me or lazily look for anything I could [continue reading…]