Are you a smart and caring single woman who is ready for lasting love?
Attract, Keep And Marry The
Love Of Your Life!
It may be a life-long dream, or an idea you’ve finally embraced after years of being single — whatever your situation — I bet somewhere in the depths of your mind you have a nagging, desperate feeling that marriage is never going to happen for you.
I know exactly how you feel.
I was single into my early 50’s — and an expert on being needy and desperate — but I changed all that. I’ve been married to the love of my life now for 15 years and I can help you do the same.
Take the first step and sign up for my free “Letting Love In” MP3 and free relationship advice newsletter. Remember, only as a subscriber will you get the opportunity to be one of only 5 women each month who get a complimentary “Attract The Love Of Your Life Breakthrough Session.”
I want you to have powerful and practical tools you can use to transform your love life practically overnight and solutions that will change your love life forever — go sign up now!
Enjoy this interview I did February 12, 2013 for AZTV’s show “The Morning Scramble.” I was thrilled to be interviewed by Pat McMahon, a 7 time Emmy award winner and a super nice guy. He brought the male perspective into the conversation which I greatly enjoyed.
We women are expert doers and givers. If you don’t think so, look at your life and think of all the things you do for others. I bet you’re there for your girlfriends and family whenever there’s a problem. I know I am, I want to help and I want to be needed.
But your giving nature can become a problem when you are trying to create a loving relationship with a man. If being a giver is the way you relate to the world then most likely being vulnerable is hard and you don’t “receive” well from others.
This can cause frustration and heartbreak in your romantic relationships that you might not even be aware of it. It’s the main barriers that keep you from connecting deeply with a man. Being vulnerable is what attracts a man to you and gives him permission to open up himself.
When a man woos you, there’s an important aspect of his pursuit. He wants to take care of your needs and do things for you. Men need to feel that they’re important to you, that they are have something
to offer you that you can’t do for yourself. If you have a problem being vulnerable it will show up in many ways.
If you don’t know who you are, you’re in danger of becoming what a man wants you to be. This was one of the biggest challenges I had to meet before I could find true love.
It’s really about knowing your value as a woman. It’s about being aware of what you bring to the table in a relationship and, more importantly, in a marriage. I’m not talking about material possessions; I’m referring to the personal qualities uniquely yours that you share with your partner.
This might seem obvious, but it’s something I see many women overlook in their relationships. I know I did. I spent more time analyzing the men in my life than I did looking at myself. I scrutinized their behavior so I could figure out what they wanted from me. I did it all to get love. I wanted desperately to please them and to be the kind of girlfriend they would never leave. This behavior kept me single for many years.
I changed who I was with men so many times that I no longer knew myself. Other than my physical attributes, I had no real idea why a man should be going out with me. My self-awareness was pretty non-existent. And as Dr. Phil says, “you can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.”
To find a good man to marry you need more than luck; it requires common sense. When you fall in love, your good judgment can fly out the window. I know, I was an expert at turning off my brain and going strictly by instinct when it came to men. As I explain in “It’s Never too Late to Marry,” it took me what seemed like forever to finally wise up and let my intelligence have a say in my romantic life.
I know you think using your common sense sounds unromantic; it is! Relationships are much more than romance.
Giving your common sense a say in your love life means saying good-by to some unhealthy tendencies you’ve developed — without realizing it. There are some bad habits that have snuck in under your radar and are now causing you a lot of pain.
To find a good man to marry you have to face facts.
For starters, you have to stop the over-the-top drama you may have allowed in your relationships. This comes from picking the kind of men that make you feel crazy and out of control; men who [continue reading…]
Despite a successful career as a counselor, and years of my own therapy, I found myself nearing 50 and still unable to resolve my “relationship challenges”- meaning I still hadn’t found my life partner. Virginia helped me to access the hidden beliefs which drove my relationship behavior through hypnotherapy, places “talk therapy” couldn’t access. Over the 3 months I worked with her, my relationship went from my seeing my partner 4 days a month, and his telling me he felt “uncertain about his feelings me and our future” to his asking me move with him when he received a job offer across the country.Virginia’s creativity, sense of humor, and nonsense approach to personal growth make working with her both a joy and a powerfully transformational experience. ~Jenn Jolie, Boston, MA
“I was being forced to choose between my relationship or my desire to get married. I was desperate and chose to have a VIP Day with Virginia. Working with her saved me from making a big mistake. She gave me a totally new perspective about my relationship. She helped find the exact right words I needed to talk to my boyfriend and they worked like magic. I’m now happier in my relationship than ever before.” ~ Sarah P.
“I could tell my fiance was unhappy with me and I was scared he was going to break our engagement. I called Virginia for help.I was struggling with not knowing what I was doing wrong.Through working with her I realized I was actually pushing him away without knowing it! Her guided visualizations allowed my subconscious mind to open up. I saw that I was needy and I was shocked to realize that I was always nagging him and blaming him for things. I’d lost my independence and I thought it was his fault. Virginia saved me from losing the best man I’ve ever known.” ~ Bonnie S.
“I contacted Virginia because I had just broken up with my boyfriend. I was on a roller-coaster of emotions. She did guided work with me which got me through my intense pain. I saw how subconsciously I was willing to settle for crumbs from men and we worked on my self-esteem. Now I know what I really want and I believe I can have it. I’ve got my life back and my interests again.” ~Susan R.
“Since the VIP day with Virginia I have had the most beautifully calm week of my entire life…. Even my sister-in-law commented I am more self-assured!… and now I’m excited to meet the man who’ll be my perfect partner.” ~Angela R., Australia
The International Association
of Woman Coaches
Find Out About My New Book
“It’s Never Too Late To Marry”
"I couldn’t put it down and read it in two sittings. All I can say is WOW!" ~Mary NYC.