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Are you a smart and caring single woman who is ready for lasting love?

Attract, Keep And Marry The
Love Of Your Life!

It may be a life-long dream, or an idea you’ve finally embraced after years of being single — whatever your situation — I bet somewhere in the depths of your mind you have a nagging, desperate feeling that marriage is never going to happen for you.

I know exactly how you feel.

I was single into my early 50’s — and an expert on being needy and desperate — but I changed all that. I’ve been married to the love of my life now for 15 years and I can help you do the same.

Take the first step and sign up for my free “Letting Love In” MP3 and free relationship advice newsletter. Remember, only as a subscriber will you get the opportunity to be one of only 5 women each month who get a complimentary “Attract The Love Of Your Life Breakthrough Session.”

I want you to have powerful and practical tools you can use to transform your love life practically overnight and solutions that will change your love life forever — go sign up now!

From the Blog

The 3 Top Reasons: Why Am I Still Single?

why am i still single and alone, sad womanThis question haunts even the most confident women. You’re not alone.

It comes up when you’ve spent years in and out of failed relationships and you finally reach the point of wanting to give up on love. If you ask this question in the form of a complaint, like “why me?” you won’t get a satisfactory answer. But if you ask it with an open mind and in the spirit of wanting to know the truth, it will make the difference between finding the love of your life or being alone.

Here are three possible reasons why you might ask “Why am I still single?” One or two of them may apply to you, or maybe all three. Be ruthlessly honest with yourself when you consider them. You, like me many years ago, may have some “blind spots” that make it hard for you to see the truth of your situation. If any one of these strikes a nerve but you’re not sure, get some objective feedback or ask a friend what they think so you can move forward.

3 Reasons you may be asking “Why am I still single?”:

1. You’re ambivalent about entering into a committed, intimate relationship with a man
As much as you think you want a partner, you may find it hard to leave your comfort zone of being single. I know you don’t think you’re comfortable, but we tend to go for what’s familiar. Ambivalence will prevent you from taking the emotional risks necessary to get close enough to a man to love him and let him love you. It will keep you from fully committing to finding a partner and creates all kinds of sneaky ways to ruin your relationships. If left unchallenged it will keep you [continue reading…]

Are You Involved With A Married Man?

involved with a married man, unavailable menWhen you are involved with a married man or any man with another woman in his life, you can’t help but feel a little crazed. It takes a good deal of self-awareness and inner strength to keep yourself balanced and centered when dealing with this kind of uncertainty.

I’ve said many times they’re no rules that apply to everyone. If we are too black and white in our thinking, too judgmental without compassion, we are doing ourselves a disservice. Life can be messy, but that’s no excuse to not clean it up. If you’re involved with a married man who “belongs to another” you need to do some real soul-searching. Why you are involved with a married man and what is the cost to yourself, to him and to his family.

There are examples where it seems (we can truly never know what goes on in another’s relationship) that two married people have found their true love outside of their marriage and have happily moved on. One example is Steven Spielberg, [continue reading…]

Understanding Unavailable Men

unavailable men, fashion model posingUnavailable men can be your biggest nightmare. But I’m not going to “bash” unavailable men or blame them for all the trail of heartbreak they leave behind them. If you look below the surface of these men,  you just might find a family history that’s caused him to shut down his emotions and avoid getting close to a woman.

We’re all just human and our life experience is a big determiner of how we view the world. Two major factors that make you you, are your biology and your environment. Now some people are just born with brains that are different, but most of us are shaped by our histories. If you’re dealing with an unavailable man; most likely under that seemingly callus skin there is vulnerable and wounded person.

I’m not advocating that you get involved with one of these men, what I want to promote is a compassion and some understanding that these men aren’t against you…they are fighting themselves.

There are different degrees of unavailable men. Some can actually be helped if they meet the right woman and if they’re motivated to change. What you need to have is the ability to recognize who is worth you time and who will just lead you into misery and pain.

Unavailable men are people too

If you’ve been involved with unavailable men you might have a better chance at discerning who the tough cases are. If you’ve learn from you mistakes in the past you will be able to figure out if a particular man is worth you [continue reading…]

How To Be A More Feminine Woman

women dancing, how to be a more feminine womanHow to be a more feminine woman — you’ll find your answer in Thailand. While on vacation there last spring I couldn’t help but notice the true femininity of the women there.

It’s a country where respect and equality exist between the sexes. You see many Thai women in leadership positions working alongside men as equals (a woman was just elected president). Yet the women there have managed to keep their feminine allure and radiate a special beauty all their own.

Thai women have a strong presence that has nothing to do with being showy or vain. In fact, they are modest in their dress and the only women who show off their bodies with low cut tops and short skirts are the “ladies of the night.” They are easy to spot and there is little question what they do.

It’s not clothes that make Thai women so beautiful…it’s how they feel about themselves. It goes back to their traditions, most noticeable when they do their traditional dance. I was privileged to attend one of these dances and I was mesmerized. I was in awe of the [continue reading…]