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Are you a smart and caring single woman who is ready for lasting love?

Attract, Keep And Marry The
Love Of Your Life!

It may be a life-long dream, or an idea you’ve finally embraced after years of being single — whatever your situation — I bet somewhere in the depths of your mind you have a nagging, desperate feeling that marriage is never going to happen for you.

I know exactly how you feel.

I was single into my early 50’s — and an expert on being needy and desperate — but I changed all that. I’ve been married to the love of my life now for 15 years and I can help you do the same.

Take the first step and sign up for my free “Letting Love In” MP3 and free relationship advice newsletter. Remember, only as a subscriber will you get the opportunity to be one of only 5 women each month who get a complimentary “Attract The Love Of Your Life Breakthrough Session.”

I want you to have powerful and practical tools you can use to transform your love life practically overnight and solutions that will change your love life forever — go sign up now!

From the Blog

The Power of Love: How to Never Lose a Fight

daisy love, the power of loveThe greatest power in the world is the power of love. When you consciously bring love into any situation you will transform it.

But the word love is like the word “God,” it can’t be defined in a way that everyone can agree upon. You can only know love in your own way. It’s a feeling more than a thought…but since all our feelings start with a thought, love is first a thought.

You can choose what you want to think, and in any situation you can chose to think love, and you will feel it. Sounds easy, but it’s not.

I remember having an argument with my husband a few years back. I don’t remember what it was about but we were standing in the kitchen facing off with each other.

Fighting for us is rare and when it happens I begin to panic. I’m not use to having him angry at me or raising his voice at me, it sends me back to being 5-years-old. I actually start to feel abandoned, like the panic I felt as a child when I got separated from my mom in a department store.

So there we were having this argument and I started to feel really scared. My fear made me shut down and I stood there unable to think clearly or express myself. My whole being was high-jacked by my body’s  “fight or flight” response, the “flight” being the overwhelming favorite.

Then an idea popped into my mind from a book I had been reading on “The Course in Miracles”whatever is missing in any situation is what you’re not bringing to it.

It was obvious I was not feeling the love in this argument with my husband, I was
only feeling really scared.

So at that moment I decided to bring the power of love into the mix.

I brought the idea of love to mind. I thought of how much I loved the man who was standing in front of me so totally upset. As soon as I had that thought, I had an overwhelming feeling of love in my heart.

I was taken completely by surprise. It was like magic, all my fear and upset-ness drained out of me and I could breath again, I could find the words I needed to express myself.

Immediately the feeling in the kitchen changed, [continue reading…]

Is it Ever OK to date a Married Man?

If you’re dating a married man you’re probably suffering. I say that because no matter how much you may love him or how much he says he loves you, your situation at the moment is not what you want it to be. Your future happiness with him depends on circumstances changing and until that happens you are stuck with the way things are.

A woman wrote to me and asked me what to do. She felt she had met the perfect man for her, but he was married. She’s been meeting him once a week for 3 months and they’ve gotten physically intimate.

She’s in love with a married man and she’s only 24-years-old. She doesn’t have the life experience that could have helped her make a better decision — but it doesn’t matter what your age, we are all susceptible to temptation. It’s how we handle ourselves when we know we’re in trouble that makes all the difference.

Involved with a married man: It’s going to be a bumpy ride!

Here is a video I made inspired by her question. Is a married man off limits? Do you agree with me? I would love to hear what you have to say…especially if you’ve been in, or are in this situation.

Put a ring on it! Beyonce’s Not Afraid to Say I Want to Get Married

Beyonce, I want to get marriedAre you, like Beyonce, looking for a man to “put a ring on it?” You’re certainly not alone; but maybe like many women, you’re ashamed to admit it. You can want to get married but not do what is needed to make it happen.

My client Marsha’s boyfriend recently brought up the subject of marriage in conversation. He told her about a friend’s wedding and then went on to reveal that the wedding he saw in his future would be small and intimate.

This presented the perfect opportunity for them to begin a discussion on marriage. But instead she found herself unable to say anything in return except a hesitant, Me too.

She was afraid to say anything more. The thought of him knowing how much she wanted to get married made her feel ashamed and desperate. She was embarrassed for him to know what she wanted, sure that he would see her as needy.

He certainly wasn’t afraid to bring up the subject, so why did the idea of even talking about marriage make her feel so insecure and frightened?

As she worked her way through her confusion she came to an important realization — she was afraid to admit what she really wanted because she didn’t believe she deserved it. She was protecting herself from getting her hopes up and being disappointed.

How many times have you, like Marsha, said to yourself I want to get married but found yourself holding back in some way? You can be sabotaging your dream of marriage by picking the wrong men or giving up and not making an effort.

You have to take your desire seriously and not be ashamed. You have it for a reason. You have to make it important enough for you to pursue it fully without doubt.

If marriage is what you want say it with 100% conviction: I want to get married!

You can’t worry what a man, or anyone will think. To manifest what you want, you have to believe you can.

Life won’t hand you much on a silver platter — most of the time you have to ask for what you want. If there’s a reason you’re not fully invested in your dream of marriage, if you’re ashamed or feeling unworthy, do the work you need to change it. Don’t stop until you’re fully behind your desire.

There’s a reason Beyonce’s song is so popular; it’s bold and it’s honest. She’s not afraid to let it be known: “I want to get married, so put a ring on it!”

Dating Mistakes: 3 Reasons to Stop Seeing Him

uneasy talk, dating mistakesIt’s a fact that most of you will have to date before you meet the man you’re going to marry.

Maybe you feel like I felt. I had a really hard time with this, I didn’t want to date. I rebelled against it by refusing to put myself out into that world. After all, when I was younger, I just seemed to “fall into relationships” and there was no formal dating involved. I expected (and hoped) that would continue.

But as I got older, it no longer happened that way. I ended up not having contact with eligible men for long periods of time. It just wasn’t as easy to meet men anymore.

So I was forced to give in and start the dating process. I joined a dating service, but I did so with a great deal of reluctance. I had no confidence in my ability to date. In fact, I was not good at dating, I made a multitude of dating mistakes and it became more evident when I only had first dates and no second ones.

If I had learned a few common sense “rules of dating” I would have had a much better time of it. Here are 3 dating mistakes that will save you a lot of time and heartache. If you can avoid them, it will greatly improve your ability to meet and recognize the right man for you.

My top 3 Dating Mistakes: Reasons to stop seeing him!

1. Don’t let sexual attraction run the show! You know what I’m talking about. You’re not feeling attracted to a man so you write him off before you even get to know him or see what it’s like to kiss him. Or you’re so attracted to him that you break all your rules about what you will and won’t do and let your body take over. You get sexual too quick and loose your sense of perspective and your integrity in process.

2. Don’t allow a man to give you crumbs! If the man you are dating is not treating with respect he’s wasting your time and you need to move on. Here are some of the ways crumbs show up in dating: making plans with you at the last minute, asking you to pay for yourself on the first date, making you go out of your way to meet him, disregarding your preferences for food or entertainment, not showing you a good time other than getting you in bed.

3. Don’t date a man who tries to control you! At first it may seem flattering that he’s so concerned about you, but it can turn dangerous. Men who want to control usually start out slow but the controlling behavior escalates in time. Here are some ways that controling shows up. He starts to change how you dress for your dates, including how you wear your hair and makeup. He’ll be critical of your friends and family hoping to have more influence over you and have you all to himself. He’ll start to dictate what you should eat and how much you drink. He’ll “check in” many times a day, making sure you’re where you said you’d be. He gets jealous and possessive for no reason.

Be kind to yourself. You weren’t born knowing how to kiss a man, save money or drive a car. You’re going to make dating mistakes until you learn how to date successfully. If you can avoid these 3 mistakes you’ll be much better off and leave yourself available to meet the right man for you.

Learn more in “It’s Never Too Late to Marry,” Chapter 8: Date For You