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Are you a smart and caring single woman who is ready for lasting love?

Attract, Keep And Marry The
Love Of Your Life!

It may be a life-long dream, or an idea you’ve finally embraced after years of being single — whatever your situation — I bet somewhere in the depths of your mind you have a nagging, desperate feeling that marriage is never going to happen for you.

I know exactly how you feel.

I was single into my early 50’s — and an expert on being needy and desperate — but I changed all that. I’ve been married to the love of my life now for 15 years and I can help you do the same.

Take the first step and sign up for my free “Letting Love In” MP3 and free relationship advice newsletter. Remember, only as a subscriber will you get the opportunity to be one of only 5 women each month who get a complimentary “Attract The Love Of Your Life Breakthrough Session.”

I want you to have powerful and practical tools you can use to transform your love life practically overnight and solutions that will change your love life forever — go sign up now!

From the Blog

5 Things You NEVER Owe A Man You’re Dating (Now, Or Ever!)

a man you're dating

Don’t betray yourself in an effort to impress him.

When you start dating someone new, of course you want to make the best impression possible. More than anything, you want this amazing man to like you and think you’re, likewise, a wonderful person.

When you’re swept up and excited about a new romance, you may unknowingly change who you are to impress him. You may let your healthy boundaries slip (or forget them all together). But, if you don’t keep to your standards at the start of your relationship, you won’t be able to get them back down the line.

Here are 5 things you NEVER owe a man when you’re first getting to know each other. (In fact, you never owe a man these things at ANY point in your relationship.)

1. You don’t owe him an explanation about why you’re not married

Being cross-examined about why you’re “still” single puts you on the defensive. It makes you feel judged and vulnerable. There are damn good reasons why you’re single. Stop telling yourself that being married is OK and being single is not. Whether single by choice or by chance, there’s nothing wrong with you. And you don’t need to justify where you are in life.

2. You definitely don’t owe him sex before you’re ready

Just because he wants to have sex with you doesn’t mean you have to go through with it. If you feel pressure, either real or imagined, don’t do it just to make him happy (or to make him like you). Taking you out and spending his money on you does not equate to purchasing access to your body! Remember, once given, it can’t be taken back.

3. You don’t owe him monogamy (until it’s mutually agreed upon)

If a man wants exclusivity from you, even if he’s not exclusive with you, the answer is no! It’s a simple concept really: don’t commit to him more than he’s committed to you. When he’s truly serious about you he’ll agree to monogamy, and if he doesn’t, well, he’s just not ready.

4. You don’t have to drink or do drugs with him

Men who do drugs and drink usually like company, so he’ll want you to join him. Know what’s right for you and don’t change your habits or boundaries to please him. If he says you’re ruining his fun or being a prude, it’s OK; you’re not required to prove your coolness. If his drinking or drugs are an issue for you, take it seriously, otherwise you’re playing with fire.

5. You never owe him an apology for being authentically you

If he judges what you eat, what you wear, or how you look … beware. If he labels your beliefs wrong or silly, think twice. Don’t make excuses or justify your choices to a man who doesn’t “get you.” Be who you are and be proud.

Knowing what you don’t owe a man hopefully reminds you of what you DO owe yourself. Honor your own boundaries, trust that you know what is right for you, and most importantly, don’t change who you are for ANYONE (a man you’re dating or otherwise).

This article was originally published at: www.yourtango.com

Your Hidden Obstacles To Love

Obstacles to loveOne of the biggest obstacles to love I encountered when I was single was of my own making. It was my unwillingness to change. The truth is, I desperately wanted my life to be different but I didn’t want to change myself to make that happen. I was kind of hoping it would change without me having to do anything.

I was no different than many of the women I talk to in my coaching practice. I studied volumes of information on relationships and yet nothing changed, I still found myself alone. The trap was that even though I wanted things to be different I didn’t want to do things differently.

This is what we have to grapple with as human beings. Our obstacles to love are in our subconscious mind. It likes the familiar, and it’s designed to keep us surviving but not thriving. You know this is true when you look around and see so many people battling addictions, loneliness, or trying to cope in painful relationships.

If you’ve struggled with being single for a long time and believe you’ve tried everything, believe me, there’s an answer. But the answer is where you can’t see it; in your subconscious mind. You have an intuitive sense of what’s true and — when you trust it — you will be right.

It takes a good deal of [continue reading…]

Shake Things Up To Find Love

find loveLove won’t necessarily walk into your life if you only do things that are comfortable for you. To find love, it requires that you step outside your comfort zone and take a risk.

Lets face it, falling in love is a step into the unknown. Our daily life, with it’s routine and familiarity, can actually hold us back and hinder our search for the heady and exciting experience of meeting that special someone.

Doing the same things repeatedly and expecting a new result is insanity defined. So to get new results it makes good sense that you need to do new things. Shake things up a little.

They’re hundreds of ways for you to infuse your life with the spice of something new to find love. Just like a great cook, you can change the flavor or your life experience by adding some key ingredients. The things that work best are the ones that make you feel excited and even a little scared. That’s when you know you’re [continue reading…]

3 Ways To Know If He Really Loves You

how to know if he really loves you“He loves me, he loves me not.”

Do you remember playing this game when you were young? Think of all the daisies that had their petals torn off by girls (like myself) asking this all-important question.

It’s a haunting refrain that continues to be asked by women of every age; how to know if he really loves you?

The 3 words “I love you” are the most anticipated communication in any romantic relationship. They transform a man from someone you’re dating to being your boyfriend. They are the big “game changer” and considered the ultimate commitment.

If you’re wondering if he really loves you, your next question should be: Why are you asking? Is there a niggling feeling inside that makes you doubt his true feelings? The answer is important because no matter how many times a man says those words, you have to take the time to reflect on whether you’re feeling the emotion behind them.

3 ways to help you know if he really loves you:

1. He trusts you with his feelings.

Without intimacy there is no love. Intimacy is the ability to let someone see that part of you that you don’t share with the world. It’s one of the primary needs that a strong love relationship fulfills. We all crave having a special someone with whom we can safely share some of our most secret thoughts and feelings. Women are more [continue reading…]