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Are you a smart and caring single woman who is ready for lasting love?

Attract, Keep And Marry The
Love Of Your Life!

It may be a life-long dream, or an idea you’ve finally embraced after years of being single — whatever your situation — I bet somewhere in the depths of your mind you have a nagging, desperate feeling that marriage is never going to happen for you.

I know exactly how you feel.

I was single into my early 50’s — and an expert on being needy and desperate — but I changed all that. I’ve been married to the love of my life now for 15 years and I can help you do the same.

Take the first step and sign up for my free “Letting Love In” MP3 and free relationship advice newsletter. Remember, only as a subscriber will you get the opportunity to be one of only 5 women each month who get a complimentary “Attract The Love Of Your Life Breakthrough Session.”

I want you to have powerful and practical tools you can use to transform your love life practically overnight and solutions that will change your love life forever — go sign up now!

From the Blog

Astonishing Story: Proof You Can Find Mr. Right!

blue sky, you can find mr. rightI just received this news from a colleague in Los Angeles and I couldn’t wait to share it with you. I’m completely blown away by her story; it’s absolute proof that you can find Mr. Right!

Dear Virginia,

About a year and a half ago, tired of three years of boring coffee dates with men I’d met on various dating websites, I took myself off the web. Using Landmark Education’s technology of declaration, I declared I would meet someone in real life. And then, trusting that I would, indeed, meet someone, I forgot about it and concentrated on other areas of my life.

In the meantime, a transgender male person who is attracted to females (who, from the age of 4, identified their gender as female), also declared–at a Landmark Education seminar — that he/she would be in an unconventional relationship with a woman by December 31, 2010, and how he/she would know it was so was that they would have 2 tickets to Paris!

Well, Mike/Michelle and I met on October 13, 2010 in another seminar and began a courtship, taking it a date at a time. He/she presented as female for the first 6 weeks; it took some adjusting on my part to know and be comfortable with “Mike.”

What was evident from the first moment I met M/M was that I was attracted to the essence of this wonderful, kind, funny, generous, intelligent, caring person….And since I’d identified myself as bi-sexual since my early twenties, I had the best of both worlds.

During this past year, we have created an intentional, exciting, easy, fun relationship including–yes–a trip to Paris! Both our families like/love and have accepted each of us as “family.” At the end of July this year, my cat Lena and I moved into M/M’s home which we had begun to make “ours.” And a year to the day we met, [continue reading…]

Want Some Real Relationship Advice? Don’t Fake it…Ever!

don't fake it ever, drama masks, relationship advice

There are few exceptions to this rule and at the moment I can’t even think of any! If you’re faking it in any area of your relationship it’s only a matter of time before it comes back and bites you.

Once you’ve faked it, you’ve painted yourself into a corner with only two options: staying in the corner or walking away and messing up the paint.

Here’s a really good example of making things hard for yourself by faking it.

Have you ever been with a man you really liked but who you didn’t feel connected to sexually? When you’re with him you just don’t feel the chemistry. So rather than telling [continue reading…]

Relationship Advice: Timing is Everything

relationship advice, divine timeingWhen you’re looking for love it’s a struggle not to get impatient and to put your trust in Divine Timing. The longer it takes, the more desperate you feel and the harder you have to work at keeping the faith that it’s going to happen.

There’s a contradiction you have to work through: that as much as you need to hold the vision of the man and relationship you want in your mind —  you also need to be able to stop focusing on it and let it go.

What can truly help you through this process of dating and finding love is to trust in Divine Timing. You don’t have to be religious or have any particular belief to embrace this concept. Divine Timing is a way of looking at how your life is unfolding that will to help take the pressure off your search to find a man and get married.

Jacob Glass wrote in a prayer:

“There is no need to hurry or to rush, the Universe has perfect timing…I step back now and allow the Universe to do the work. I do not interfere nor doubt. I trust that it is done.”

You can read a lot of relationship advice but unless you find a way to make peace with the timing of your life you will suffer. There is nothing harder [continue reading…]

Getting Over a Break up: Are you Still in Love with Him?

Nancy wrote:

“I am still in love with an old boyfriend who broke up with me years ago. I just found out he’s married. I feel even worse than before, what can I do?”

It’s the most painful thing in the world to see the man you love become involved with another woman; and it’s doubly hurtful if he then marries her. It’s like putting the last nail in coffin of your dream of getting him back.

Getting over a break up takes time, but you say you’ve been holding on to his memory for years and you’re still thinking about him. There comes a time when you have to face reality and take care of yourself and your feelings.

Getting over a break up: there comes a time when you have to let go.

We all have selective memory about our past; it’s a part of human nature.  Since you are single and unattached, it’s natural for you to look back with longing to the time when you were in love and part of a couple. But, you have to believe you can have that again.

Getting over a break up and moving on is the only way for you to bring love back into your life. You deserve to be with a man who wants to be with you, [continue reading…]