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Are you a smart and caring single woman who is ready for lasting love?

Attract, Keep And Marry The
Love Of Your Life!

It may be a life-long dream, or an idea you’ve finally embraced after years of being single — whatever your situation — I bet somewhere in the depths of your mind you have a nagging, desperate feeling that marriage is never going to happen for you.

I know exactly how you feel.

I was single into my early 50’s — and an expert on being needy and desperate — but I changed all that. I’ve been married to the love of my life now for 15 years and I can help you do the same.

Take the first step and sign up for my free “Letting Love In” MP3 and free relationship advice newsletter. Remember, only as a subscriber will you get the opportunity to be one of only 5 women each month who get a complimentary “Attract The Love Of Your Life Breakthrough Session.”

I want you to have powerful and practical tools you can use to transform your love life practically overnight and solutions that will change your love life forever — go sign up now!

From the Blog

Are You Facebook Stalking Your Boyfriend?

Are you addicted to checking up on your boyfriend’s social media updates?

If you are facebook stalking him or constantly checking his twitter or email account, here’s a reality check.

facebook stalking is addictive: it’s hard to do it just once!

Your snooping might have started out innocently enough, by you just taking a little peek one time. But that gave you a small rush of satisfaction, a sense of false security.

Before you know it you’re doing it again and soon you find that you’re always thinking about it. In fact, every time you go on the internet your first thought is to check out what’s going on with him.

You can tell yourself that facebook stalking is OK, after all the information is there for anyone to look at, what can it hurt? Well, like any habit, it will get more intense and start taking over your life. It can hurt you, your boyfriend and destroy your relationship.

Are You in First Date Hell? Dating Advice to Make it Heaven

boyfriend, dating advice, first date, When you’re going on a first date, it’s always best to look on the bright side and have a positive attitude. Let’s face it, it’s nerve-racking and stressful dealing with the pressure of meeting a man for a first date, especially if you’ve met him online.  You really don’t know what to expect when you meet in person, and either does he.

Of course you’re going to be concerned with making a good impression, but if you can maintain an attitude of expecting the best, it will make a big difference on how the date turns out.

Wanting to impress a man can distract you from what’s most important and what you need to be paying attention to. Your main concern should not be if he’s going to like you or not, it’s how you’re going to feel about him.

My best dating advice is to start out with the right attitude, you will be much more likely to have a good dating experience.

M0st men are willing and ready to fulfill your expectations. If you set them too low, he’ll most likely meet them. If you allow him to get away with poor behavior, like treating you badly by being rude or inappropriate, you will only get more of it.

My dating advice: Hold him to a higher standard and he’ll meet it!

You will meet men who just don’t care about how they’re coming off, it’s unavoidable. But bottom line a good man will want to please and impress you, especially if he’s interested in seeing you again. He will look for signs of what you need and want and try to provide those things for you.

Your attitude going into the dating experience will make all the difference. First impressions are made in the first 3 seconds. [continue reading…]

Relationship Mistakes: 3 Signs He’s Not Going to Marry You

unhappy couple, relationship mistakesI’d like to spare you the disappointment of getting your hopes up over a man who’s going to waste your time, get you to fall for him and then leave.

This can be one of the biggest relationship mistakes you can make. You can find out early on which men are really looking to marry you and have a future with you and avoid a lot of heartache. You won’t be making the mistake of giving up your freedom to a man who only wants to use you.

If you become physical with a man too soon, it will be harder to discern his true intentions. The physical intimacy will cloud your ability to see his motivations clearly and you can end up mistaking sexual interest for love.

Here are some warning signs that he’s not in it for the long haul:

  • Your dates fall into a rigid pattern of having dinner and going to bed. There’s no deviation from this routine and little if any interaction with other people. You start to feel that you’re expected to go to bed with him every time you see him, as though his buying you dinner gives him the right to go home with you.

  • When he calls for a date, it’s always at the last minute. He expects you to be available to see him whenever he wants. He has plenty of excuses why he can’t plan ahead and you only get together when it’s convenient for him. He won’t [continue reading…]

Don’t Miss Mr. Right Looking for Mr. Perfect

Cloud as heart, Mr. RightI plead guilty!

Oh my goodness, the mistakes I made while trying to find the perfect man to marry! Just to be clear about the word perfect — of course no one is ‘perfect’ — what I’m referring to is the perfect man for you.

I must say that when I was younger I didn’t think I had a problem finding the perfect man; who ever I was with was perfect. That is until we broke up and then he wasn’t Mr. Right anymore. I certainly could have used some dating advice at that time, but I didn’t think I had a problem.

I was going with the flow, getting involved with men I was attracted to without giving it a second thought. I didn’t think ahead to consequences; I just thought I knew what I wanted in a man and went for it.

I got away with this for so long because I kept friends around me who supported me rather than challenging me. I handpicked girlfriends who like me were experiencing lots of drama in their relationships with men. Like me they avoided self-reflection and taking responsibility for their dating experiences.

I never gave a second thought to how I was showing up as a woman, I was looking for a great guy and that’s where I put my focus.  This was my how I approached dating and men for many years.

Of course all of the men I chose, except for a few, were men who wouldn’t or couldn’t commit to a real relationship. Even when I knew their horrible relationship history I still [continue reading…]