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Are you a smart and caring single woman who is ready for lasting love?

Attract, Keep And Marry The
Love Of Your Life!

It may be a life-long dream, or an idea you’ve finally embraced after years of being single — whatever your situation — I bet somewhere in the depths of your mind you have a nagging, desperate feeling that marriage is never going to happen for you.

I know exactly how you feel.

I was single into my early 50’s — and an expert on being needy and desperate — but I changed all that. I’ve been married to the love of my life now for 15 years and I can help you do the same.

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I want you to have powerful and practical tools you can use to transform your love life practically overnight and solutions that will change your love life forever — go sign up now!

From the Blog

Intimacy Issues: What Makes a Relationship Truly a Love Affair

couple in bed, intimacy issuesWhat does the idea of intimacy mean to you? When you think of the word does it make you feel uncomfortable or anxious? Is there a little voice in your head that says maybe you don’t know what true intimacy is? Maybe you’re afraid to even think about it because the idea of being that close to someone, especially a man is a little scary.

You may be more familiar and more comfortable with physical intimacy, but emotional intimacy may have alluded you. But intimacy issues will eventually have to be dealt with for a reltionship to progress and grow.

Here are words that equate with intimacy, from the British Thesaurus:

closeness, togetherness, affinity, rapport, attachment, familiarity, confidentiality, close association, close relationship, close attachment, close friendship, friendliness, comradeship, companionship, amity, affection, mutual affection, warmth, warm feelings, understanding, fellow feeling; informal chumminess

How do these words make you feel? I love the feelings I get in my body reading these words — feelings of deep relaxation and peace. Don’t we all long to share these qualities with another person, and in your heart of hearts wouldn’t you like to have this with a man in your life?

It’s natural to long for the feeling of real connection with a man.  If a relationship is to be special, it must have a bond that goes beyond the everyday; you want to share a connection that feels unique, even transcendent.

But this is not always easy to create…and you may find the whole idea a little frightening. If you think you may have intimacy issues that are getting in your way, you have to admit it and seek a solutions.

What this kind of intimacy requires is that you be willing to give up a secret part of [continue reading…]

Are You Lying to Your Man to Keep Him? Relationship Advice on Telling the Truth

shy woman hides from relationship adviceAre you afraid to tell a man the truth because you might lose him? Do you hold back on saying what you need and want your relationship because he’ll think that you’re too demanding?

My client Sandy was scared to tell her boyfriend of 5 years that she was unhappy with their routine. For all those years she had put up with staying in and watching TV with him on weekends, when what she really wanted was for him to take her out to dinner and dancing. She loved to dance but he thought dancing was “silly.” She allowed him to dictate what they did together, which gave him all the power in the relationship.

A part of her knew that he was not going to step up and give her what she wanted even if she asked. Over the years she had become more timid and compliant; she was convinced that if she asked him to take her out he would think she was being too demanding and a bitch.

Her problem was not being too demanding or bitchy, it was just the opposite, she was too nice for her own good.

My relationship advice is you can be sure that if you’re afraid of coming off like a bitch, the truth is most likely you’re not one! Only good girls worry about how they’re being perceived — bitches could care less.

Relationship Advice – don’t play games!

In a similar vein, another client, Amanda, is stuck playing in a serious bridge game once a week with her partner and his friends. She spends hours playing a card game she hates. [continue reading…]

How The Dr. Phil Show Gave Me an Ah Ha Moment!

Kids being bullied on the Dr. Phil ShowThere’s been a lot said about bullying on the news and I find it so sad. In fact it’s heartbreaking to see so many beautiful young people’s lives made miserable, and some so much so that they’ve been driven to suicide. Bullying is that relentless, causing a child to believe that there is no other way out of the torture they are feeling.

I watched the Dr. Phil Show yesterday on this subject. I felt such empathy for the parents and kids he had on as guests. He was interviewing a 13-year-old girl who had been bullied all her life because she had the habit of walking on her toes. As she was asked to share what the bullies at school were saying to her, the phrases sounded eerily familiar:

You’re so stupid!
You don’t belong here!
You’re fat and ugly!
You’re weird!
You have stupid hair!
What ugly clothes!
You smell bad!
I hate you, you’re stupid freak!

Do any of these sound familiar to you? Have you ever called yourself names and put yourself down in your head? Have you ever bullied yourself to the point that you just wanted to give up on yourself?

Just like the cyber bullies and the bullies in the schools, you’re actually hurting yourself over things that aren’t true or that you have no control over. There’s nothing more useless and painful you could be doing to yourself.

You may be a relentless bully or just an occasional one, but it’s cruel and unnecessary [continue reading…]

Relationship Advice: Get Him To Commit to You Before it’s too Late

get him to commitWhy is it so hard to get him to commit to you and the relationship? After all you may have been dating for months or even years, but at some point you come up against a wall of resistance from him. You want more but he doesn’t seem to notice. But the truth is he does notice, but if you haven’t motivated him to do anything about it, he probably won’t.

So what exactly might be holding him back from moving forward toward a real commitment? Well, I’d like you to ask yourself if you are the same woman now as you were when you first started dating. Are you still enjoying the time you spend with him or is there an underlying desperation he can feel from you — that you’re not satisfied and you want more.

Are you too afraid to ask him to commit to you; afraid to say what you really want? There’s a time in every relationship when it needs to move to the next level. Where you both experience a greater sense of vulnerability that creates a true love connection.

But if this doesn’t happened you’ll reach a plateau and the relationship will just coast. That’s when your silence will start to work against you.

To get him to commit to you — tell him the truth!

Your resentment will build up inside like a pressure cooker and he will begin to feel it. Your unspoken need to deepen the relationship will begin to change the way you behave.

Like trying to keep a secret; it takes all your control not to let it out. I give a great example of this in my book; how one day I blurted out a question I had been afraid to ask my boyfriend. Without thinking, [continue reading…]