Are you a smart and caring single woman who is ready for lasting love?
Attract, Keep And Marry The
Love Of Your Life!
It may be a life-long dream, or an idea you’ve finally embraced after years of being single — whatever your situation — I bet somewhere in the depths of your mind you have a nagging, desperate feeling that marriage is never going to happen for you.
I know exactly how you feel.
I was single into my early 50’s — and an expert on being needy and desperate — but I changed all that. I’ve been married to the love of my life now for 15 years and I can help you do the same.
Take the first step and sign up for my free “Letting Love In” MP3 and free relationship advice newsletter. Remember, only as a subscriber will you get the opportunity to be one of only 5 women each month who get a complimentary “Attract The Love Of Your Life Breakthrough Session.”
I want you to have powerful and practical tools you can use to transform your love life practically overnight and solutions that will change your love life forever — go sign up now!
by Virginia Clark
on October 14, 2011
My husband recently went to Los Angeles on an overnight business trip. I dropped him at the airport at 6:00 AM for his early flight and looked forward to a night alone at home wearing my ugly-comfy clothes and watching a chick flick on TV.
I expected to hear from him when he landed but I didn’t. I knew he had a busy day ahead so I let it go and went on with my day.
But by 9:00 PM that night I still hadn’t heard from him. I knew he had planned to go to bed early at the hotel, so I wasn’t sure I should call him. I didn’t want to wake him up in case he was really tired.
I then had to make a decision, should call him or not? I decided to text him instead; it would be less intrusive in case he was asleep.
I first wrote, “Where are you? Surprised I haven’t heard from you.” But it didn’t feel right, it sounded a little angry and I really wasn’t.
What was I feeling? It wasn’t the out-of-control worry and anxiety of my younger years. What a difference to feel so calm.
I knew what I felt; I was disappointed that he hadn’t thought to contact me. Maybe he thought his trip was so short he didn’t need to say “hi.” But, I thought he should’ve at least called.
Then my mind started to do its thing. I wondered if maybe something was going with him, that maybe he was out enjoying himself. [continue reading…]
by Virginia Clark
on October 12, 2011
I just heard a report on the morning news that said many women are now choosing to stay single, in fact the new statistic is that 50% of women in the US are single now as opposed to 30% in the 1960’s.
This is good news — but not for the reason you may think.
It’s good because it lessons the stigma on not being married and it helps single women feel better about themselves.
When I was younger there was a great amount of pressure on me to get married. Because of that, after the age of 30, I felt like something was wrong with me.
There is nothing worse than feeling that people are looking at you with pity because you’re single, but now with the acceptance of this is a new trend, you don’t have to feel that you owe anyone an explanation for your single status.
If you’re single, you can actually relish it and not feel ashamed or embarrassed as I did.
There is nothing wrong with choosing not to marry, if that’s what you want. But if marriage is your desire, don’t give up on it. My marriage has been the biggest blessing in my life, partly because I got my strongest wish fulfilled and because it helped me become the woman I was meant to be.
It amazes me to think that if I hadn’t gotten married I would never have written my book “It’s Never Too Late To Marry” (which is a great read if I do say so myself) and I would never have been sharing with you what I’ve learned through my writing and coaching.
If marriage is your heart’s desire, there’s a reason that desire was put there…pursue it and don’t stop till it’s yours.
by Virginia Clark
on October 6, 2011
Most women love to talk and connect. If you meet an interesting woman at an event or party it’s not unusual to quickly find yourself in a deep conversation.
Women are capable of establishing strong, emotional connections with another women in a very short time. Too bad it’s not as easy with men; then it’s a whole new ball game. You’re suddenly at a loss, not quite knowing how to act or what to say.
Let’s face it, first dates are hard and you may be putting too much pressure on yourself to be “perfect.” If on top of that you find yourself with an uncommunicative man, well that’s a recipe for disappointment.
The most common mistake is feeling that it’s your responsibility to make the date work. When things don’t go smoothly, you begin to panic and talk too much. To make things worse, you may compensate by trying to be entertaining and witty. Meanwhile nothing you’re doing is working, he continues to give you single syllable answers: “yes,” “no” or a grunt.
On the other hand, his silence could do just the opposite and make you clam up. You [continue reading…]
by Virginia Clark
on September 22, 2011
I’ve written a good deal about bad boys; how to recognize them and avoid getting your heart broken. But bad boys aren’t the only dangerous men out there — you need to watch out for the “super nice guys” as well.
What’s so dangerous about a super nice guy?
Well, just like a super nice women, super nice guys bend over backwards not to hurt your feelings. They want to avoid conflict at any cost and so they “make nice.” They shy away from expressing how they feel about things if they think you won’t agree.
The danger of getting involved with a super nice guy is that they send mixed messages about how they feel. They’ll be open with you and yet something doesn’t feel quite right. He’ll talk about the future and express just what you want to hear; he’ll tell you he wants marriage and kids. Naturally you assume that since you’re dating him his future dreams would include you. But do they? Something doesn’t seem quite right and you can’t put your finger on it. You find yourself second-guessing your feelings and questioning the truth of your relationship.
Here’s what makes this situation so hard. A super nice guy really cares about you, he enjoys your company. But he is so nice he would do anything to avoid hurting your [continue reading…]