Are you a smart and caring single woman who is ready for lasting love?
Attract, Keep And Marry The
Love Of Your Life!
It may be a life-long dream, or an idea you’ve finally embraced after years of being single — whatever your situation — I bet somewhere in the depths of your mind you have a nagging, desperate feeling that marriage is never going to happen for you.
I know exactly how you feel.
I was single into my early 50’s — and an expert on being needy and desperate — but I changed all that. I’ve been married to the love of my life now for 15 years and I can help you do the same.
Take the first step and sign up for my free “Letting Love In” MP3 and free relationship advice newsletter. Remember, only as a subscriber will you get the opportunity to be one of only 5 women each month who get a complimentary “Attract The Love Of Your Life Breakthrough Session.”
I want you to have powerful and practical tools you can use to transform your love life practically overnight and solutions that will change your love life forever — go sign up now!
by Virginia Clark
on March 25, 2022
There’s a time in most relationships when a man suddenly goes from hot to cold. He’ll seem to be more distant as if he’s starting to pull away.
This change can throw us into a panic, making us feel insecure just when things were beginning to feel so good.
It’s common to interpret this change of behavior as being our fault, creating an emotional reaction that’s way out of proportion. Old hurts and wounds from childhood get triggered and suddenly we’re like a kid again, afraid of losing the love we depend on for survival.
Our self-confidence, which received a boost with this romance, suddenly crashes into confusion and self-doubt. We thought we were strong but we now feel like a helpless victim of his change of heart. Desperation overrides our good judgment and we find ourselves in our primal “flight or fight” mode.
This is when we revert out of fear to our primary survival patterns.
If our survival pattern is fight, we’ll run after a man who’s turning cold. We’ll go into pursuit, finding ways to make ourselves more attractive or become more sexually aggressive. We’ll text, email or call him trying [continue reading…]
by Virginia Clark
on February 17, 2022
I bet you’ve asked yourself this question more than once, hoping to learn the secret that would make a man love you and never leave.
But falling in love is not like baking a cake, there’s no recipe you can follow to get the same results each time. Relationships aren’t that simple, each man will bring out something different in you. The bottom line is that there is one thing that all men respond to: how you make him feel about himself.
The things you think you may be lacking as a woman aren’t even important; for example, you don’t have to be a sexy siren in bed or the world’s best conversationalist. The truth is that if he doesn’t feel good about himself around you nothing you do will help. If a man can feel happy and comfortable in your presence, you have what it takes to keep him coming back for more.
Part of his feeling good is determined by the chemistry you share between the two you. That’s not something you can control, it’s biological. But a good part is in your power. You will inspire these feelings in a man if you are happy and comfortable with yourself when you are with him.
There is no magic recipe; it requires that you show up as your authentic self in the relationship. If you feel insecure about who you are with him, he will feel it and he won’t [continue reading…]
by Virginia Clark
on September 11, 2021
We all know infidelity and financial woes are a major cause of breakups and divorces, but the lack of respect in your relationships can be just as harmful.
Respect is the glue that binds every strong and loving relationship. And for men especially respect is essential. Like an aphrodisiac, it turns them on and lights them up.
Disrespect is insidious and we can be unaware we’re doing it. The most common way it shows up is when we feel we have to change a man; when in our mind we make him wrong. When this is our prevalent thought it shades the way we see him and react to him.
We question his choices and his thinking and make him wrong. We judge him and criticize his behavior. We believe we’re right and he just doesn’t know better. We do this because he doesn’t think or behave the way we do — but he’s not supposed to!
We disrespect a man when we say things like, “How could you do that? What were you thinking? I told you so! How could you be so stupid?”
If a man said these things to you how would you feel? I don’t know about you but it would make me feel like a child, like I was being accused of being a “bad little girl.”
When we make our man feel like “a bad little boy” he’ll [continue reading…]
by Virginia Clark
on May 29, 2021
Sometimes I think marriage is wasted on the young. The qualities that insure a happy marriage are those most of us only begin to master after going through many painful life lessons. I didn’t marry for the first time until I was 53 years old, and by that time I had been through so many rocky relationships that I was “forced” into learning how to be a better woman.
Pain was my greatest teacher. I finally stopped using it as an excuse to feel sorry for myself and began to pay attention to how it was asking me to change. The arrogance of youth kept me very self-centered and wanting relationships to go my way. For a long time I neglected to cultivate and nurture the qualities that I needed to have a healthy marriage.
Here are the five qualities I began to explore and develop within myself. I could write a book on each one, so I will touch on them only briefly. To me they are all necessary components of a healthy and happy marriage. [continue reading…]