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Are you a smart and caring single woman who is ready for lasting love?

Attract, Keep And Marry The
Love Of Your Life!

It may be a life-long dream, or an idea you’ve finally embraced after years of being single — whatever your situation — I bet somewhere in the depths of your mind you have a nagging, desperate feeling that marriage is never going to happen for you.

I know exactly how you feel.

I was single into my early 50’s — and an expert on being needy and desperate — but I changed all that. I’ve been married to the love of my life now for 15 years and I can help you do the same.

Take the first step and sign up for my free “Letting Love In” MP3 and free relationship advice newsletter. Remember, only as a subscriber will you get the opportunity to be one of only 5 women each month who get a complimentary “Attract The Love Of Your Life Breakthrough Session.”

I want you to have powerful and practical tools you can use to transform your love life practically overnight and solutions that will change your love life forever — go sign up now!

From the Blog

3 Tips On How To Prepare For A Big Talk

how to prepare for a big talkThere’s no way to avoid having a Big Talk with your partner at some point in your relationship. It will happen more for some of us than others, but whether you’ve been together 40 years or a couple of weeks it’s going to be a challenge and cause you stress.

A Big Talk is never easy. We naturally know what we want the outcome to be but there’s no way we can predict how our partner will react. After all we wouldn’t be having the Big Talk unless there was something important we’ve held on to and not expressed or shared.

Here are 3 tips to make your Big Talk a success.

1. Do not have the talk until you feel calm and confident. You must be free of anger or blame or you’ll trigger the same in your partner. If you portray yourself as a victim he will get defensive because that’s making him the “bad guy.” He won’t hear what you’re trying to tell him. You must be open to what your partner tells you without making him wrong. I will repeat that. You must be open to what your partner tells you without making him wrong.

2. Believe in what you have to say or don’t say it. Unless you’re ready to stick up for yourself you better not get into a Big Talk. Backing down or changing your position because of fear of his reaction or losing him makes you [continue reading…]

13 Tips to Quickly Stop Being Single

Being single

Are you afraid you’ll never have the right man in your life, a man who loves and cherishes you? Do you long for a man who wants to commit to you fully and actually marry you?

If he hasn’t show up yet it may be because you’re unknowingly keeping love away. Just making a small change in your behavior can create a big change in your love life.

Here are 13 Tips to help bring you the love you’ve been seeking:

1. Don’t Rush! Be Patient. Being impatient causes frustration and stress. Take it slow. Let things happen. Let go of the outcome. Trust that everything will work out. Being single it’s hard not to feel desperate and needy. Hold the thought that the man who is right for you will show up at the right time and place. With patience you’ll be happier and more available to receive the gift of love when it shows up.

2. Feed Your Soul. Find a positive spiritual practice or teaching. Negative and hopeless people are not attractive. They repel love and make themselves and others miserable. It’s hard to stay positive if you tell yourself the same negative messages over and over again. Give yourself quick access to books, CD’s, movies, music, food, wine and people that can support you, make you happy, keep you positive and in balance, and help you stay hopeful.

3. Look! Don’t Judge. Observe before you jump to any conclusions. Stop rushing to judgment with the men you meet. Stop assuming the negative. It is a turn off that chases people away. Mother Teresa says, “If you judge other people you have no time to love them.” Wake up! Open your eyes to every man who you meet and you might just meet the love of your life.

4. Do What Makes You Happy. Put your happiness first. Avoid looking for love in all the wrong places. Go where you enjoy the locations and get involved in the activities that you really enjoy. Have a good time. That’s when you will be most naturally attractive and that’s when the right man will turn up.

5. Establish Boundaries and Stick to Them. Define your expectations. Write them down. Know when someone is right for you and know when it’s time to drop everything and run away. Establish “rules” and use them to keep you safe. You won’t fly with the eagles if you hang around with the turkeys. Know when to say NO. Then say NEXT!

6. Change Things Up. Love won’t necessarily walk into your life if you only do things where you feel safe. Doing the same things repeatedly and expecting a new result is insanity defined. To get a new outcome you need to do new things. Shake things up. Ask yourself what you’ve been afraid of doing. It’s usually the exact thing you need to get revitalized. Try a Yoga or cooking class. Go to the library. Join a health club or hiking group. Help out in your community. Try something different. Learn something new. Meet new people who like what you like.

7. Remodel Your Space. Creating the right environment at work and at home sets the stage for love. Your office is your fortress and your home is your sanctuary! Reflect who you are. Surround yourself [continue reading…]

The 3 Best Qualities Of True Love

True LoveYou’ve probably thought you were experiencing true love more than a once, only to find what you were feeling was the need to feel wanted or special.

I went through this a lot when I was younger. I wouldn’t say what I was feeling at the time wasn’t love, but it just wasn’t a love that could last through time. It was selfish, centered around my own needs. The love I was in was an immature love.

I was a late bloomer when it came to love. I had to “grow up” and become a full person in my own right before I could experience true love.

Each one of us is born with the desire to be loved and cared for; it’s something that never goes away. We may lose our hair and the trim figure of our youth, but the need and desire for true love doesn’t diminish with time. As Frank A. Clark says: “A baby is born with a need to be loved and never outgrows it.”

There are more than 3 ways to know if you are experiencing true love, but these 3 are the building blocks of every strong, committed relationship. They’re also the qualities I had to make a priority when I was looking for the man I wanted to share my life with.

How you can be sure it’s true love:

  1. You fight well together.  This means you know how to disagree with each other without causing irreparable damage to the other person. In other words you don’t threaten to breakup or walk out just to get your way. You don’t use cruelty as a weapon hurt the other person. We all say things in anger at times that aren’t pretty and we regret, but it’s needs to be a rare event and not a pattern of fighting. Being able to disagree and discuss differences with respect and openness is necessary for a happy relationship.
  2. You feel safe. Dr. Phil says it best when he refers to your partner as “a soft place to fall.” God knows dealing with everyday frustrations and the craziness of the world is stressful enough. We don’t need any added pressure from those closest to us. If you can’t feel safe to be you and to express yourself in your relationship, you’re probably not feeling true love. Love can’t grow unless it nurtured with kindness.
  3. You accept each other as you are. An important indication of true love is when you can stop judging the person you’re with and see them as a unique individual with their own frialties and quirks. Judgment is one of the biggest destroyers of love and connection. Mother Teresa said it best, “If you judge people you have no time to love them.” When you judge another, the tendency is to want to change them. This is a way we tell ourselves we’re right and the other person is wrong. If you want to be right about everything you will never be happy.

True love has a special feeling about it, a sense of non-attachment. It’s a blessing that let’s us transcend our ego-based need for love and move into a place of giving love that is free from selfish motives and is unconditional.

What To Do When He Cheats And Leaves

when he cheats and leavesBreaking up is hard enough, but when there’s another woman involved, it’s doubly difficult. It doesn’t matter if she is drop dead beautiful or plain as toast; either way feels like someone just stuck a knife in your back.

When another woman comes into the picture it’s particularly hard to overcome the heartbreak. It feels as though you’re out of control; that everything’s gone crazy. Any chance you might have had to work things out is gone because now he has a new woman in his life.

Your shattered ego will desperately try to repair its hurt pride. It will urge you to find out why this happened. You’ll scrutinize his feelings and begin to assume all kinds of reasons why he picked her over you. You think that finding an explanation will make you feel better.

This won’t fix your heartbreak, you’ll only end up blaming yourself for lacking something that you imagine she must have.

The first thing you have to do is let go of trying to figure out what happened and why. I know it’s easier said than done, but you’ll tend to build her up in her mind because she “has” him and you don’t. If you focus too much on her and make her the “bad guy,” you’ll get [continue reading…]