Are you a smart and caring single woman who is ready for lasting love?
Attract, Keep And Marry The
Love Of Your Life!
It may be a life-long dream, or an idea you’ve finally embraced after years of being single — whatever your situation — I bet somewhere in the depths of your mind you have a nagging, desperate feeling that marriage is never going to happen for you.
I know exactly how you feel.
I was single into my early 50’s — and an expert on being needy and desperate — but I changed all that. I’ve been married to the love of my life now for 15 years and I can help you do the same.
Take the first step and sign up for my free “Letting Love In” MP3 and free relationship advice newsletter. Remember, only as a subscriber will you get the opportunity to be one of only 5 women each month who get a complimentary “Attract The Love Of Your Life Breakthrough Session.”
I want you to have powerful and practical tools you can use to transform your love life practically overnight and solutions that will change your love life forever — go sign up now!
by Virginia Clark
on April 30, 2018
Choosing your life partner is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. When you chose the man who’ll be beside you every day, it can’t help but directly impact every aspect of your life.
So when I see women looking for love who approach finding their “soulmate” with so little concern about it’s true importance, I feel overwhelming frustration. They meet and date perfectly good men, men who want to be in a committed relationship; but then they treat these men as if they were nothing special, as if there were plenty more where they came from. They make the same mistakes with men over and over again, get the same results, and are in complete denial about their own behavior. This tells me they don’t take themselves or dating seriously enough.
I’ve also seen women transform into adolescent girls when they date; they have no regard to consequences. When they do this they diminish themselves and of course get less than spectacular results with men. How can you stop sabotaging your dates and give looking for love the importance it needs?
Here are the 3 common mistakes you may be making:
- You break your own rules: How many times have you changed your mind on a date and let yourself be persuaded to break your own rules? The rule I see women break the most often is about when to have sex. You know what I’m talking about. You’ve determined you won’t go to bed with a man until you both agree to be monogamous. You’ve promised yourself not to sleep with a man who is also sleeping with other women. But as soon as you begin to date a man you’re attracted too, you get caught up in the moment and like an impressionable young girl, you give in. You get intimate too soon with a man you could really care about. It changes everything and you’ve hardly gotten to know each other. Breaking this rule rarely works out in the long run. Here are some other rules you might find yourself breaking: you pursue him instead of being patient. You give more attention to him than he’s giving to you. Or you lose yourself and make his needs more important than your own.
- You don’t fix what’s not working: Human beings tend to like the familiar. We have a comfort zone we find hard to leave unless we’re really pushed. Life-changing experiences like illness or a car accident will propel you to make new and daring choices. But when life is just going along as usual, you can get lazy and avoid making the changes you need to be more successful with men. One example is the fear of “making waves” in a relationship. Instead of speaking up for yourself, which can be a real challenge, you’ll go with the flow to keep the peace. Or if you’re used to having your guard up around men, you don’t risk being hurt by allowing yourself to be vulnerable. You just stick to being the way you’ve always been because it’s easier than facing the fear of the change you need to make.
- You haven’t handled your subconscious sabotage: We all have subconscious sabotage; it keeps us eating too much, buying what we don’t need and pushing good men away. Yet it’s something you can change once you become aware of it. The subconscious controls your habitual ways of being in relationships. For example, it will show up as a lack of self-worth or confidence, which makes it hard for you to set boundaries. You have to recognize what the habitual thoughts are that aren’t working for you and change them. When a subconscious belief that is hurting you is made conscious (when you become aware of it) it will get “neutralized” and no longer “run you.” There are many ways to get at your subconscious beliefs, but three excellent ones are hypnotherapy, coaching, and guided imagery
Looking for love is a serious business
If you’re really serious about looking for love ,you have to take the bull by the horns and do these three things. They will require courage. You have to stop breaking your own rules, change the things you do that you know aren’t working, and finally, find out how you’ve been subconsciously sabotaging your relationships.
If you take your search for a good man seriously and do these 3 things — when you find him you’ll know exactly what to do to keep him.
by Virginia Clark
on February 20, 2018
He’s made it clear he’s moved on. He’s in a new relationship and stopped all contact.
You feel empty; all happiness has been sucked out of your life. You know you should let it go, you should move on and forget him. But you can’t stop thinking of him.
The more you try to not think about him the more you do. Then you swing back on yourself knowing it’s wrong to be doing that. What’s the matter with you? Soon you’re in a downward spiral of self-blame.
Putting your attention on trying not to think about someone is the same as thinking about them. It’s another way you’re still investing your energy and giving them attention. It’s a vicious circle that seems impossible to change.
If you don’t stop the obsessive thoughts you can end up spending months and even years focusing on someone other than yourself and hating yourself for it. This will cause you more than just wasted time; it will rob you of your confidence. This is what it means to give your power away.
There are tools you can use to change your obsessive thoughts and stop beating yourself up for having them. They entail taking action on your behalf. These actions will lead you towards yourself and away from him.
Here are 3 tools you can use to stop thinking of him:
1. Take control of your thoughts. This is the only way change will happen. Any change you want to make in life requires that you first change your thinking. To do that you have to start practicing self-control. You can’t let your habitual thought patterns continue. You’ll have to stop focusing on the past (what was) and stay out of the future (what could have been).
The key to making this work is that whenever [continue reading…]
by Virginia Clark
on December 14, 2017
Are you dreading the holidays? You feel the all too familiar pressure of trying to be jolly as a wave of sadness fills your heart. You can’t help but think, “Oh please not another holiday without someone to love at my side!”
Here it is again, another year has passed and you’re alone. But actually, you’re not.
They’re 28 million single women over 35 in the US and many of them are feeling just like you. They’re hearts are heavy at the thought of what’s coming.
You may relate to my client Sammie. Sammie’s 45 and she’s dreading the holidays. She’s going to her family gathering this year, once again, without a partner at her side. Of her 4 siblings, she’s only one single and without children. To her dismay, every year her parent’s house is filled with more children and less adults.
She knows her family is sensitive to her situation, each person has their own opinion as to why she is alone year after year.
Whether they feel embarrassed for her or even compassion, none of it feels good. What hurts [continue reading…]
by Virginia Clark
on October 2, 2017
If I had taken to heart the many relationship books I read and followed their “rules,” I wouldn’t be married today. I’m sure you’ve read them, too, the books that tell you that if he hasn’t proposed by the end of the first year, dump him!
When I was single I was hungry for advice about relationships. I went to seminars and must have read over 100 “how to” books on love. Because I didn’t meet my husband until I was 46 my search went on for years. For all that time I felt like a leaf blowing in the wind at the mercy of the many opinions I was taking in.
I not only tried to find my way through books but I consulted my share of psychics and astrologers. Like most single women, I had the best intentions; I wanted to find out how to meet and marry the right man for me.
But as I got older and matured I realized that [continue reading…]