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You Can Have The Man You’ve Dreamed Of Beside You For Life…

What if you can finally stop the pain of even THINKING you’ll have to go through life without the life partner you’ve always wanted?

virginia-homepageIf you’re anything like I was, you may be feeling afraid you’ll never find a man to love and cherish you your whole life long.

I used to question myself – whether I was “good enough” to get a man to commit to me.

And, if you’re like most women these days, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the conflicting advice you find on-line and in books about how to get and keep a great, lifelong relationship.

If you’re experiencing any of this:

…You feel like there’s no good men out there…

…The man you have just won’t commit…

…The same patterns that keep leading to painful breakups keep repeating themselves over and over…

…You feel “unworthy” (and then angry at yourself for feeling that way) and just can’t “relax” and be yourself around men…

…You worry that you would sabotage the relationship if you were to meet the right man!

…You may have been searching for help and found me – and I understand how all the information out there on the web can make you doubt yourself and leave you feeling like maybe something’s wrong with you. It can make you feel that maybe you’re not meant to have a true love.

I remember feeling that way. I felt powerless and like I was swimming upstream. I believed no one understood what I was going through.

Because I’ve “been there” – and not only got “through” it, but ended up victorious and with the man of my dreams – my readers and clients KNOW I understand what they’re going through.

How My Story Can Quickly Help YOU

I know how you feel…I was single well into my 40s and had spent many years searching for the right man and the right relationship.

I can remember feeling like I was spinning in circles, going from one disastrous relationship to another, never feeling like myself with men, never being sure of what to do or what to say.

I tried many strategies and read many books. They helped me feel good for a while but then I’d slip back into my old patterns, leaving me still single and lonely for love.

Even when that right man finally showed up in my life, he wasn’t exactly falling to his knee to propose to me.

It would have been so easy to get discouraged and give up for good, but I didn’t.

Today, I’m happily married to that man and have been for 11 years!

You Deserve To Have What You Want

I know you long to be in a committed, adoring relationship where you feel a sense of belonging and unconditional love.

Maybe you sense, deep inside, that there is a man out there who is the right man for you.

  • He will always “get you.”
  • He’ll always make you a priority in his life.
  • He’ll always make you feel adored and respected.

There’s a place in your heart that senses what it’ll be like to be in such a relationship and that is why, no matter what you’ve been through, how old you are, and how long you’ve been hoping for true love, you can’t ever give up on wanting it!

  • Perhaps you’re single but you’re too scared to date, in a go-nowhere relationship, fed up after bad experiences, or just don’t know where to start.
  • Perhaps you’re with a man and you feel more committed to him than he is to you.
  • Or you’re dating, but having little success getting to a second date or finding a man you even like.
  • Or maybe you’re in limbo, having gone through a breakup that’s left you feeling heartbroken and hopeless.

The truth is, I wouldn’t be married today if I hadn’t discovered exactly the right words to say, based on my unique situation, that inspired my marriage-phobic boyfriend of five years to finally put a ring on my finger.

Get Rid Of What’s Holding You Back From Love
– And Stop Pushing Love Away

Yes, you can learn about relationships listening to a teleclass, watching videos or reading books, but you’re still learning only with your intellect – with your conscious mind!

And neither your brain (no matter how smart you are), or anything you’ve learned or experienced in the past can help you address the personal subconscious beliefs that are sabotaging your love life.

Your subconscious – the parts of your brain, body and heart that you aren’t aware of right now – have brought you to the situation you’re in today – AND it will KEEP you stuck there!

If you want to make fast progress towards the man and the marriage you’re seeking, you absolutely have to address your subconscious beliefs that are creating your present life experience.

You Deserve To Have A Love Mentor

Nothing works faster and is more life-changing than personalized, one-on-one love coaching.

What you need and deserve is someone who’s totally devoted to your happiness and able to focus on you and your needs. A mentor who will walk you through the process of meeting and keeping the right man for you.

A mentor who will take you by the hand – actually HOLD your hand and be there for you – every step of the way.

You need someone who will uncover those subconscious beliefs, because in my 14 years of professional experience as a Certified Hypnotherapist, I know that we seldom, if ever, are aware of what underlying beliefs, behavior and patterns are keeping us from having exactly what we want from life.

That’s why I’d like to help you uncover the very thing that’s holding you back from finding the right man and getting married – and change it for you forever.

Your situation is unique and requires its own solution – there are no rules that fit everyone!

Here’s how I can help you right now, with a complementary (free to you!) –

Attract the Love of Your Life
Breakthrough Session

All you need to do is apply and qualify, so I can help you.

(Because my “Attract the Love of Your Life Breakthrough Session” is a $297 value, I make only 5 of these sessions available every month at no cost to you.)

In this session I’ll help you:

  1. Discover and understand your biggest barrier to having the love you want now.
  2. Get clear on steps to take to attract and keep the love of your life.
  3. The one simple step you can take immediately to get you into action.

There are only a LIMITED NUMBER of Breakthrough Sessions spots available
– and I want you to have one…

Here’s How To Get Your “Breakthrough” Session:

To be considered for one of these coveted spots, please apply TODAY, and answer a few simple questions I’ll be sending you via email this week.

Once I receive your email, I’ll let you know if one of these limited spots is YOURS!

It’s time to stop letting life go by without the man you’ve dreamed of beside you!

 Apply for my limited “Attract The Love Of Your Life Breakthrough Session”



“Since the VIP day with Virginia I have had the most beautifully calm week of my entire life. I have felt remarkably more settled and comfortable with myself. By trusting Virginia, I have been greatly rewarded with access to her extraordinary depth of knowledge, and very healthy, professional application of her effective skills, and genius. Even my sister-in-law commented I am more self-assured! Now I am excited to meet the man who’ll be my perfect partner.”
~Angela R., Australia
“I was suffering through the most intensely painful relationship I’d ever been in. I fell helplessly in love with a man I was needy and anxious around. With Virginia’s help I was able to find my confidence and finally be myself with a man. Virginia is the best coach I’ve ever had…working with her is one of the best investments in myself I have ever made.”
~Bethany Peterson, N.Y.C.
“I felt like I was born with a curse or fated to experience only unrequited love. I would attract narcissistic partners who always put themselves first and not give back as much as I gave. I felt frustration, disappointment and over all disheartenment. I now feel empowered and I don’t feel cursed anymore. I am happy in a relationship for the first time!”
~G.S. Los Angeles
“You helped me get over heartbreak by helping me see clearly how I was being treated, figure out what was truly important to me, and become more confident and more in tune with myself. You’ve opened my eyes to a world of possibilities and I’m approaching situations and seeing men with a new mindset. You were a force of strength and peace during a hard time in my life. Thank you!”
~ Sumi, Washington, D.C.
“Unresolved feelings from past relationships had kept me stuck and unable to move forward into a new and healthy relationship. After working with Virginia I met and have begun a relationship with someone wonderful and just right for me.”
~T.W. MFT, PHD, Los Angeles
“In the short time I’ve been working with Virginia I have all ready started seeing some dramatic shifts in my life. In our sessions, I always feel heard by her and she keeps me accountable for my own growth by assigning me “homework.” I would recommend Virginia’s services to anyone looking for someone to help them make positive changes in her life.”
~P. B. Orlando, FL
“When I talked to Virginia I was at a true crossroads: my question was: Do I stay in LA and plug away at my goals or do I move to New York and try a new career? I received my answer to go to New York in one session. I now have a new wonderful job; and as a bonus, I met an incredible man who is now my husband. And were expecting our first baby in April! I believe that my session with Virginia facilitated this major change in my life. I will always be grateful for what she gave me that day.”
~F.L. Scarsdale, N.Y


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